Pinups poster boy Scott, who currently graces the cover of the current issue and was also seen hanging from the walls in the form of two larger than life nudie posters. Congrats Scott!

We had some technical difficulties getting the door open earlier than usual, but when the floodgates opened, the pinup admirers poured in.

Pinups editor in chief Chris Schulz, who even convinced the dude in the white hat to join his buddy on the bar for an impromptu tag team go-go session, much to the crowd's enjoyment.

Issue #2 pinup Jason R. in the hizz-ouse, reminding us which issue was the best issue.

I played a special set of only disco music for the occasion, which seemed to appeal to everyone in the room, including one half of pinup #5, Alex (right).

Rumor has it that Joey (holding PINUPS) is slated to be the next pinup. If he's as good at modeling as he was at go-go dancing last night, then the issue will be spectacular. I mean, he even offered up body shots!

And I thought the crowd at Eastern Bloc was bearded.

The party raged till 4am, at which point the owner played TLC's Creep six times on repeat before we were allowed to leave the premises. Thanks to all who came out and shared in the disco romance. For more on Pinups, click here.
jason r. looks like a cute ball of fun!
i miss all the great parties.
There's always a nyc weekend getaway! Or a Monday and Wednesday getaway :)
#2 is cute as hell
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