Friday, March 29, 2013


Both Nick Caves are in New York this week! I attempted to see the work of the Nick Cave on the left side at Grand Central this afternoon but the venue was at capacity and we had to settle for the costume exhibit after the performers had already danced in Cave's stunning sound suits.



Lindsay, "hiding from photos" out in a Sao Paulo nightclub. In other news, I'm headed back to Sao Paulo and visiting Rio for the first time in mid-April. #serenitynow

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Two Wednesdays ago, I invited my DONKEY production partner and newbie DJ Mikey Fuentes to open our weekly Good Times party at Eastern Bloc. Since Mikey and I had been prepping for our opening gig for The Carry Nation that Saturday in Brooklyn (which was major), we each tried out some new tracks and even tag teamed for a minute.

Guest DJ Mikey Fuentes (left) and Casey caught up on Casey's recent eat pray love travels to the East in between deep house and diva house vocal tracks.

Blas was back in New York City that week to celebrate life and his birthday and to discover the wonders of Julius, Good Times and all that New York has to offer.

The San Francisco - New York connection never really stops so its no wonder that Austin (left) graced us with his wonderfulness right before I flew out west to bask in Dolores Park too.

DONKEY time! We're getting excited for spring and summer time with a couple of local and travel gigs up our (tank top) sleeves.

The dapperness that is Alex, walking for executive evening out.

Brandon (right) and Cesar, doing their best gorgeous ladies of wrestling impressions.

Insert Asian take-out pun here.

Kevvy and Eddie. Kevin is hard at work on his photo thesis but took the time to see us DJ on both Wednesday and Saturday and that is why we love him.

Did you hear the one about the Germans who invaded the Jew's DJ booth? Kidding! Love you Andreas!

Me and Good Times' newest photo boy, Mat G. Mat was once a youtube sensation but is now on an endless daddy hunt and we're trying to help him find one (or one hundred). I smell a Logo reality show in the making.

The late night revelers that I live for when I usually get into my late night set at 2am.

Brad helped us shut it down a little before 4am that week due to the atrocious Wednesday weather we had this past winter. ADIOS WINTER, HELLO SPRING! See you next Wednesday! xo, Sparber

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Despite Wednesdays being the most likely day of the week for it to rain for four winters straight (or so it seems), we still managed to dance our asses off at last week's Good Times at Eastern Bloc, the first since Eastern Bloc's brand new renovations.

It's been hard for us to keep track of Rikki's whereabouts since this time last year (yes, we're using Black Party as a time marker) but apparently he's been making waves in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and on short mountain with his MC alias, Rica Shay.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE BLACK! Eddie (right, with Kevin) actually celebrated held his big birthday celebration on a Thursday this year but that didn't stop us from ordering a round of shots for him at midnight.

I didn't photograph many of Eastern Bloc's renovations but you'll now notice that the entire width of the bar is 8.5 inches larger (the benches have been rebuilt slightly smaller), not that barman and owner Darren is a size queen or anything.

My DJ godmother Tim (right, with Damien), who once bequeathed me his speakers, mixer and Denon dual cd deck to use with my two turntables for practice.

Javier (left) and I are both New York nightlife veterans and Avenue C neighbors. Last week, he told me that I have nice forearms and I told him he had a nice ass (after he mooned me and the rest of the bar).

Barman Rob, sending telepathic signals to the DJ booth for us to play some Britney, play some Britney, play some Britney.


This handsome one hails from New Zealand, lives in Australia and is of Iraqi decent. He also has great taste in sweatshirts and Wednesday night parties.

Guest DJ Bill Coleman (left, with Formika) was originally scheduled to spin with us one week earlier before we learned that Eastern Bloc's renovation would mean one week of no Good Times. Bill was a good sport though and was happy to do a (literal) rain date. He also gifted me an awesome Deee-Lite poster from his archives. Thanks Bill!

Late night DJ booth mayhem, which is all a bit blurry in hindsight and I can't imagine what song Rob and Bill are singing along to.

Where did that wig come from and why aren't we snapping photos with it every Wednesday?!

Thank you and goodnight! See you next week when DJ Mikey Fuentes (right, with Xander) guests for Good Times' opening set. And catch us DJing together as DONKEY this coming Saturday with the Carry Nation at The Spectrum in Brooklyn. (And Jizz is this Friday as well with me and guest DJ Dicap). See you soon!


Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Three weeks ago, we invited back Colby B. to DJ our weekly Wednesday Good Times party at Eastern Bloc. We hadn't heard Colby DJ in a minute ("I went back to painting faces," aka make-up work, she told us in the booth) so we had her back for  refresher on good ol' dance music.

I think Ericka and Nelson arrived right after a guest appearance on stage at Justin Bond's Joe's Pub gig around Valentine's Day. Or maybe just dressed like that for Good Times. You never know.

My favorite Long Island meatball, Anthony (right) and his handsome friend Jordan, starting the night off right.

Can they just come every Wednesday at 10pm and give me a private show like this? I'm serious.

Colby was giving me a Stevie Nicks vibe with Karen O. shoulders and truth be told, I couldn't keep my hands off.

When Michelle Visage says big hair, something like this should come to mind.


Bubi's art opening and subsequent after party had to be conveniently pushed back to a Wednesday due to a storm watch the Friday before, which was great for us because it meant Bubi (right) and Paul could after-party with us at Good Times all night long. And they did.

My incredibly talented jewelry designer neighbor, Mr. Christopher Habana, who is overdue for a daytime drop-by at the DONKEY studio (aka my apartment) where the music magic really happens. If you haven't ready done so, go check out DONKEY's first remix for the Carry Nation + Cucarachas' Warrior track over HERE.

Cheers to beers (and $1 vodka drinks from 11 - 1130pm, each and every Wednesday).

Denise and I used to work together at a bar on 2nd avenue, where I'd play her Tanya Stephens tracks all night and we'd dance to Big Pun. You can only imagine how Good Times turned out when she showed up. (Needless to say, we stayed till 4am when we finally had to leave. Reluctantly.)

San Francico's Raf (right) and his equally-as-sexy Danish boyfriend. They're making it work long distance too, and Copenhagen to San Francisco is a long-ass distance. (PS - I'll be in SF March 21 - 26th. Passover parties?)

BEHOLD! COLBY AND THE NEW DJ BOOTH WALL! We were closed last Wednesday because of renovations but we're stoked to be back tonight, March 6th for guest DJ Bill Coleman and a brand-new dance floor!

Long Island DJ sistes.

Her body language was saying no pictures but her awesome Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids ensemble was saying otherwise.

That time of the night when Blake shows up (right) and asks me to get into a deep and dark tech-house set, aka 3am.


Good Times! And the good times will get even better as the weather gets warmer, the sun sets later and guest DJ Bill Coleman pays us a visit to give us some new school and some old school. xo, Sparber



Every winter, I promise myself I will go to Brazil the following year, where the height of summer and Carnival in Rio coincides with New York's darkest and coldest days. This year, however, my solution was two-fold. 1) I bought a ticket to Sao Paulo and 2) I hosted a Brazilians Do It Better night at our weekly Wednesday Good Times party at Eastern Bloc, complete with Brazilian guest DJ Gustavo.

Sarah, Jonathan and Armando (from left) gave me warm wishes and a care package to bring down to Sao Paulo, where their good friend Luke now lives and works year a tank top.

Though Gustavo (left, with Eddie) has been living and DJing in New York for quite a while, he proved he can still serve up samba, funk and other Brazilian beats like none other. It is also rumored that he once sold his soul to retain his youthful looks for eternity but said rumor is still unconfirmed.

In the navy.

We have always been big fans of Xavier's sweet vocal tracks and we're equally as into our part-time coat check and full-time Miss Fire Island 2011 glamazon Sabel Scities.

Barman Rob, staying warm in his natural sweater despite the arctic temperatures outside.


Due to renovations, a detour in Sao Paulo and me being an all-around delinquent, these photos and this party actually took place three weeks ago when David (right) first introduced me to his handsome friend, the OTHER Michael T. Good Times!

Since someone asked a few weeks ago whether women were welcome at Good Times, let me reiterate: we love women, especially Denise (right), Lisa Lisa (of Cult Jam fame) and any other lass that can hold her liquor and refrain from Carly Rae Jepsen request.

SNAXX, reunited! We really loved Gustavo's set and Brazilian vibe (sadly, we missed out on some choice photos of the sexy Brazilians that showed up) and are excited for Rich King's upcoming birthday Good Times on March 27th. And yes, Rich has confirmed that he also sold his soul for eternal handsomeness.

Brazilian or just giving Brazilian effect? Either way, we were really into it.

World music parties are always a bit risky so we're glad that someone was giving us (or maybe just the camera) a thumbs up. Then again, everyone loves Brazilians because Brazilians do it better.

Eddy, putting Sabel's money where his mouth is.

Whatchu talkin' bout Willis?

We love a young Spaniard serving beard, face and body.

Joshua (left) always pops up out of NOWHERE and then dashes off into the night so we're glad we caught a pic of him here and and even got to say hey gurl hey when we ran into him at Horse Meat NYC.

RUMOR MILL: We hear DJ Kindbud (aka Buddy, left, with Evans) is teaming with a certain downtown vocalist who also runs the door at a nearby nightlight institution and DONKEY may or may not be involved with a remix.

Next winter, we hope to not only return to Brazil but to visit Puerto Rico as well and throw a party inspired by Brian's jaunt there this past winter.

By the end of the night, we concluded that Brazilians really do do it better. Big thank you to Gustavo for turning it out and everyone who came out and danced with us. Now who's up for Rio and Florianopolis in April? xo, Sparber