I skipped that whole let's-celebrate-Halloween-on-Saturday thing and attempted to go all out on the actual day of the devil, which fell on a Tuesday this year.
First stop was Matt's, who lives next to Plan B, a neighborhood bar. We're friendly with Jordan, the manager, who dressed up as a half-naked Slash. He's single too, ladies.
Anthony was all pissed cuz we were 20 minutes late, meaning he was waiting on the corner dressed as a hasidic jew for a while. His pissy attitude really worked well with his costume though. That's me as Hugh Hefner. Thanks to everyone for not telling me about the baby powder on my forehead.
Our first party stop was our friend Ludo's, who invited mostly french people to his apartment like his friend Orlion (left). Ludo's clown costume was horrifying and I couldn't really look at him the whole night.
Next, we dropped by Nowhere bar and met up with Peter (above). At this point, I was drunk and can only remember someone saying to me, "Can you believe there are THREE Frida Kahlo's here?!!"
The Phoenix was pretty empty and unremarkable. Bartender Jimbo was dressed as an M&M with nuts. I thought that was pretty creative. I guess I've lowered my standards since my days
as Kim Jong Il and Lynndie England.
Of COURSE Jefferson was at the Phoenix playing pool. Otherwise it wouldn't really be the Phoenix now would it? He's Brazilian and doesn't speak to me even though I see him five times a week each and every week. Maybe there's a language barrier there.
Next door at Boysroom, the go-go boys were dressed as prepubescent hookers for hire. Just kidding. Those aren't costumes---that's their every day attire, and by every day, I mean every night when they dance at the Boysroom for dirty, old men.
Rainblo did some rock and roll lip sync something at the Cock. I was too busy talking to Matt or something to notice, but s/he had two back up dancers and gave tupperware filled with confetti to people standing in the front to throw at him/her at the end of his number.
Andy won best costume of the night, in my humble opinion. And he's supposed to be Karen O. from the Yeah Yeah Yeah's, not Frankenfurter, as JR suggested.
East Village Andrew showed up at as a gym coach, but like, one who wears super gay tank tops.
Matt met this really cute Irish steward for British Airways who insisted on walking the streets with an open bottle of beer. I was totally freaking out about this and was like, NOOOOOOOOOOO. You're SOOOOOOO going to get arrested (he didn't).
And Matt often asks how I describe him to other people, to which I always tell him, "out of control." I think this photo, taken at 3:23am, pretty much proves my point.