Wednesday, June 26, 2013



Last week was the first of a two-part finale for our weekly Wednesday Good Times party at Eastern Bloc. And since disco, Donna Summer and Michael T. have all been integral parts to our little party that could, what better way to say sayonara than with one more Last Dance with Michael T.

Lots of friends who couldn't come to our closing party on June 26th showed face at last week's Good Times, including my favorite gummy sour peach fiend Jorge (left) and the most bi-continental man we've ever met, Martyn (right).

Our little Lumix point-and-shoot camera has really weathered some injuries over the years (including a two-month stint in Brooklyn when Kelvin left it in someone's car) but is still somehow going with a magical new melting cyborg setting, as seen on Jorge and Martyn.

Alon (left) is back in a New York state of mind after a brief stint in Israel, while Andre (center) is still masterminding a way to make his twerking videos go viral and Denise is still making that same Madonna Die Another Day request SIX YEARS LATER. Love you guys!

Cyborg twerk team.

Eastern Bloc neighbor and sometimes coatchecker John rolled through to pay his respects while perpetrating one of DJ Lina's major shirts. We can't wait to see (and sport) a new one this season.

Cyborg John (and Lina).

Back in years one two and three of Good Times, Frank (right) and Patrick were part of the core Good Times team who always got extra giddy when we did a 90s throwback night a la Courtney Love or managed to sneak a Tori Amos remix into our set. So nice to see them again and reminisce about the Good Times good times.

 So totally cyborg Patrick and Frank.

Shout out to our Canadian brother Scooter for not only having us up to Toronto to DJ his Cub Camp party on July 12th but for bringing his party back to New York City (and Eastern Bloc) for pride weekend.  Get it gurl.

Melting the night away with Scott.

So glad its summer again because Scott (left) has come out of hiding and will even be joining me up in Provincetown when I DJ Fagbash on August 14th. For all my future DJ dates, check out, my site where I try to keep things updated as often as possible. 

There's only one thing we love more than a Brazilian and that's a Brazilian couple, which is why we were thrilled when Jefferson (left) introduced us to his boyfriend Bruno (right). Hoping to see more of these two and set up some parties down in Sao Paulo in January / February. Stay tuned.

Ryan, Charles and Buddy (from left). Not the best photo of my wifee Steph Stone (aka Charles) but Ryan urged me to keep it since he's looking real cute in this one.

Michael T. arrived right on time and started doing shows right on time as well. 

My DONKEY DJ and production partner Mikey Fuentes (left) is doing a solo set at last final Good Times on June 26th starting at 10pm before we take to the decks as DONKEY around midnight and my own solo closing set. Don't miss this rising star.

One-time host and perennial Good Times guest Quinn wouldn't miss a Last Dance with Michael T. for the world, though truth be told, Michael and I have already started talking about our Endless Donna Summer party for 2014 because we love doing the Donna party.

DOSHA DEVASTATION IN THE HOUSE! (And after a performance the night before to boot.) 


So much love for these two, who have both taught more than I ever could have asked for about DJing, nightlife and rock 'n' roll.

Even cyborg Jon Jon (left) came out to say farewell! Thank you again to Michael T. and everyone who came out and danced with us ever. Get into the last Good Times hurrah next Wednesday, June 26th, when we say sayonara for now and party till we get on the plane for San Francisco Thursday morning. xo Sparber

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


We're in the final homestretch of our weekly Wednesday Good Times party at Eastern Bloc (we end June 26th) and so we've really been trying to make every moment / song / guest DJ a stunner. Last week, we brought in our good friend DJ Dicap to open right before our guest headliner Rizzla, who absolutely killed it with his infectious blend of dancehall and soca.

Even though Dicap, Rizzla and I all ended up using our computers, both Dicap and I have recently gone back to using CDJs—either with USBs or straight-up CDs—while an increasing number of DJs have been seen around NYC experimenting with...get ready for it...iPad DJing.

As I mentioned last week, our good ol' Good Times digicam seems to be breaking slash sad that the party is ending slash really into alien-looking, Butt Magazine–tinted snapshots such as this gorgeous shot of Buddha's secret cyborg face.

Happy birthday Charlie Q! It seems like only yesterday that you were working at the Strand and we were drinking unlimited drinks at the Hole's Big Gulp every friggin' Thursday.

More cyborg love from Luis (left) and Steven, two of my Good Times favorites who have transitioned JIZZ favorites, the monthly hip hop-flavored party Dicap and I do at Metropolitan every third Friday. We're doing one this Friday, June 21st , and then headed to SF together next Thursday.

Cyborg Mike (left, with Kevin) has been reclaiming his spot in New York nightlife after a 2.5 year hiatus in India. He is also learning that after 2.5 years, New York nightlife now extends into the early morning, which is why we're glad he still doesn't have to be anywhere at 9am yet.

DOUBLE CUTENESS OVERLOAD, courtesy of Nick (left) and Buddha.

Dicap on the right seems to be going in for a boob grab while simultaneously Vining, Facebooking and Instagramming the entire moemnt. #multitalented

Rizza gives me life. His mixes, productions and live sets (including last Wednesday's) are so unlike anything I've ever heard before in such a good way that I'm ready to follow him around the world as soon as he gets even bigger, which is due to happen at any moment.

Are they speaking again or are they fighting again. Come to the second to last Good Times on Wednesday, June 19th and find out. It'll be our Last Dance Donna Summer party with Michael T. which you know can only mean one thing: SHOWS. (PS - shout out to Rizzla's bf holding it down in the DJ booth in the background during Rizzla's epic set.)

Cyborg Darren, refueling his robot muscle body with whatever robots use for fuel.

And then this happened.

Someone actually fixed the camera for a hot minute so we could snap this loveliness for you. Darren has mentioned that our barman / coat checker / resident porn hunk Marcus Issacs might resume DJing on Wednesday nights after June. We're also hoping to still book some of our out-of-town DJ friends into Eastern Bloc after Good Times finishes for the summer.


A little late night lap dancing next to a backpack that might as well have a sign pinned to it that says STEAL ME!

Take a look at my hips, bitch.

GOOD TIMES TWERK TEAM REPRESENT! Thank you again to Dicap and the incredible DJ Rizzla and to everyone who came out to twerk with us last Wednesday. See you next week for a Last Dance with Michael T. and the second to last weekly Wednesday Good Times at Eastern Bloc. xo, Sparber

Wednesday, June 12, 2013




IT'S THE LAST MONTH OF GOOD TIMES! As part of the final month's festivities over at our weekly Wednesday Good Times party at Eastern Bloc, we've brought in some of the big guns to ensure that our six-year-long party gets a proper send-off. Last Wednesday, one of my favorite guests/DJs/persons of all-time ever, Ron Like Hell, returned to our decks to deliver a set hovering mostly around 105 beats per minute. We gagged.

Really living for Joey right now, who has been out and about a bit more now that he isn't busy filming with Snooki and Jwoww. He tore it up with us last Wednesday after a really ruckus Tuesday when we both went to see Lil' Kim. #partygirls

Paul (right) has also been out and about a bit more of late, possibly feeling more settled since he moved to New York from San Francisco back in the beginning of April. We'll miss him in SF this year when we head west again for our favorite pride celebration in the world.

Touch this skin, honey. Touch all of this skin.

I'm still reeling from the awesomeness that is J4's newish party in the basement of the Monster on Sundays called Beatjuice. It's a great mix of music and performance as well as new school nightlife meets old school pier queens who hang at the Monster and give runway for your nerves.

It truly feels like every single East Village resident has relocated to either Bushwick, Bed-Stuy or Crown Heights, which is why its always comforting to see locals Eric (left) and Jared pop in to our little watering hole known as Eastern Bloc.

Kelechi (right) has vowed to make up for missed Good Times by attending ALL of our remaining parties in June. He should be extra psyched for next week since my favorite DJ/producer of the moment, Rizzla (he sampled Let's Get Soaking Wet / Dive in the Pool on his latest EP. Nuff said) is guesting along with my JIZZ co-DJ Anthony Dicapua aka DICAP.

Ron Like Hell, live on two turntables and turning the party out.

Sorry about the Butt Magazine-like pink after effects on these photos. I'd love to blame Ryan (left) since he's both tight with the Butt boys (no pun intended) and a stealth promoter but I'm pretty sure our digital camera is just on the fritz.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY! Everyone's favorite Panamanian Jew celebrated another year of his wonderful existence with us and I think there might have even been cake involved but much like this photo, that part of the night is a bit of a blur.

Jeff, not to be confused with Roi in the following picture.

Roi, not to be confused with Jeff in the previous picture.

Matt, mastering the art of the Negroni, which he continued making for me all night long until I drunk and ready for my airplane hangover on the way to Los Angeles the following day. (PS - Thank you Los Angeles! I had so much fun DJing Brutus and with DONKEY at The Standard. Hope to see you again soon.)

Ron Like Hell (pictured) played one of the most unbelievable sets ever. By the third song I was living and by the time he ended with a dub of Heaven 17's Let Me Go, I was in tears. RON IS THE BEST!

Winter, summer and leather shows.

And of course there was the late night gossip session with one of my favorite photographers ever, Jeff (left). Thank you to Ron and everyone who came out last Wednesday. Join us June 12th for the third to final Good Times with me, Rizzla and Dicap. xo, Sparber