If you are lucky enough to wander into Eastern Bloc on certain Sundays, you will find free loving creature named DJ Dandy Lion behind the decks spinning tech house and funk and uncategorizable yet wonderful music. When I learned of Dandy's propensity for the greener things in life, I invited him to guest at our weekly Wednesday Good Times party at Eastern Bloc on April 20th, aka 4/20, aka a stoner's high holiday. And a high holiday it was.

Lots of folks toked before coming out, including this gorgeous gal pal, who may have even toked before getting dressed for the evening because those shade of pink are letting me have it (as is her expression).

Right before Good Times, Thomas (left) and William attended the PJ Harvey concert with me. Actually, Thomas' tickets were for PJ's show the day before (doh!) but they somehow finagled their way in and we watched the goddess that is Polly Jean Harvey as she let england and manhattan shake.

Greg (right) is a new Good Times regular and as such, is now participating in our ritual make out initiation. Inquire within about becoming a member yourself!

The giggles.

Macy's! (aka Brian Maci) and bar back Rob, who is counting down the Wednesdays till I play the entire Britney Spears Femme Fatale album again. Or maybe we should just do a Femme Fatale drag performance night.

Gays love 420! And given Eastern Bloc's size, we could have just turned the entire venue into a hot box...if we were in California. Instead we just had to settle for bartender Darren's hot box. Wah wahhhhh.

EURO TOURISTS! We love us some euro tourists, especially when they show up with their hard-shelled, bright yellow euro luggage.

An off-the-charts woof factor moment. And I don't think I've ever said woof on this here blog.

Confusing Keisha's (or as I now like to call her, Kesha--no dollar sign though for distinction purposes) forehead for a yummy treat thanks to a case of the munchies.

I believe his name is Pierre and he is Lebanese. Apparently April is all about everything Lebanon, as I swore there were an abundance of lebs at last week's party to the point where I was ready to throw on some Nancy Ajram and Haifa Wehbe.

Gissy and Davy, enjoying Dandy's dub selections a la Bob Marley. WE JAMMIN!

No one loves 420 more than Shaquandre! Trusticals down boots.

My favorite stalker Peter M. (center) popped up at every corner this past week. In a good way. And I wasn't even "checking in" on Facebook.

Black Eddie ist dazed and confused.

Kevin (center, with Christian) brings new meaning to dancing to the beat of his own drum in a very very literal sense.

Hizies. Someone has no idea where he is right now but is comforted by the handsome beards surrounding him. Happy 420!

Jorge (right) and friend were having a very twin moment with that black leather jacket white tshirt thing.

More of the middle eastern invasion courtesy of Ehab (left), who somehow broke his arm but isn't really letting that get in the way of month-long celebration of a liberated Egypt. Yallah!

Actually, Rainblo brings up a very important....TREND ALERT! Broken limbs are SO 2011! Rainblo had the bad luck to break his ankle but has turned it into a major accessorizing opportunity with that fierce ass cane. Get it Rainblo!

Pole position and bugging out.

Good Times' newest poster gurl, Natashanista (left), came through like a purple haze, chanting the lyrics "scuse me while I kiss this guy" to unsuspecting patrons like this here hair hopper.

Most major outfit of the night goes to this dude in the leopard print bathrobe. Very much the cat's meow.

By the way, Kelvin allegedly has a new job uptown and couldn't make it down to take photos so I had to explain the whole blog and party drunk revelers like these two, who gave me a bit of a hard time (or maybe I was feeling that whole paranoia thing coming on).

Hamm (left), holding down her bar corner as vampire gays tried to attack.

Oops. Someone smoked a little too much!

Giving you a lot of look. I really hope that the hat and hair are all attached.

Let's just call her Mary Jane.

Spacing the eff out right now, maybe from space cakes?

Feeeeeeeeeeling it.

Another bigger, badder purple haze.

Say hello and goodbye to our Israeli friend Ram (right), whose 10 days in New York left him completely enamored and wanting more of our city, as is usually the case with all of Andy's (second from right) guests at his wayward home for international gays.

What? Telfar's eyes, bloodshot? Impossible!

I figured the only way to possibly top 420 (Mary Jane is a bottom. There, I said it) would be to invite everyone's favorite downtown bartender, Sean Labbe (left), to DJ an upbeat party filled with his favorite FREESTYLE! Which is what's happening at next Wednesday's Good Times! Can you feel the beat?

Everyone's favorite pose-with-the-drunk-guy game!

Weekday at Bernie's!

Sit on it!

Daddy central.

Our most wonderful guest DJ, Dandy Lion, who did an amazing job in each and every way. Certainly grounds for an annual party if not quarterly.

Visine, anyone?

Visine, anyone? part two, starring Damian.

I think right before I took this pic, Adam told me he wanted to give "major face." Serve it gurl.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CESAR! A very drunk Cesar (right) dropped in to encourage Natasha (left) to get the ball rolling on the future reality show she needs to star in ASAP.

Me and Mr. Arsenault. I can feel the baby kicking.

Happy 420 to you too Will. Will celebrated by pulling his nut sack out through a hole in his pants and showing it off. Stupid human tricks, Good Times style!

And of course, no one was sadder that we didn't celebrate a Good Times Pesach (aka Passover) than doorguy Scot (he loves the Manischewitz) and super jew Shane A., who dropped by for a late night nightcap.

Giving you major shoulder and hanky code down boots.

The prettiest girls in the world.

I am MAJORLY jealous of Thomas at this moment because although I will be seeing Kylie Minogue in concert very very soon, Thomas will be catching STEVIE FUCKING NICKS AT WEBSTER HALL. ON MY BIRTHDAY (May 4th - accepting all Stevie Nicks tickets as presents starting now).

Abi says: You've got Gayletter mail (in a weird 1990s computerized AOL voice).


Will and Jonathan (left), or as I like to call him, mini-Xander.

Main man Michael Magnan (right) is DJing this year's Life Ball in Vienna. Gag!

Darren is still pooped from two weeks of going out while his bf was in town and will not be seen dancing again for another four months. Thank you and goodnight.

See you next week for another installment of freestyle Good Times, this time with Sean Labbe. xo