Even before 1030pm, things were kinda nuts at the party. Thank you $2 vodka drinks 10-11pm.
Jeff (second from left) and his den of bears, out of winter hibernation for a little La Toya in their lives.
People really do wanna zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom (and take your money) whenever M.I.A.'s Paper Plane's comes on.
Ned? Is that you? Not sure who was working coat check (is it Tekshur?) but he was totally repping an Al Pacino Cruising look, which never hurt anybody.
A very gay game of rock paper scissor, starring my favorite drag queen turned go-go dancer, David (second from left)
Women always wanna get in on gay bar backroom-like action. Someone needs to open a straight bar with a woman-dominated backroom.
Blue velour suit jacket and purple ascots realness.
It's that cute little Puerto Rican young'un again. Hola papi chulo (that is the only spanish I know. Sorry!)
Kyra, sandwiched between Tony (left) and Scotty, had been on Good Times hiatus since a certain drunken incident this summer. By all accounts, she was well behaved and copasetic.
Tattoos and a kangol. Yes please.
Jimmy's friends Jason (right), Marcos (second from right), George (left) and crew brought their armpit stenchfest to the Bloc since Paul Short is no longer running his Spit party.
Photographing the photograhers. Didn't I tell you it was the busiest night of the year?

Get it gurlz! I had heard about wonderous charms and tongue skills of Adam (left) but finally got to witness it firsthand with Jason (right) on Wednesday.
Did you know that there's a whole color code for Keffiyeh scaves? Kind of like the hanky code, except I bet an orange Keffiyeh means free Djibouti or something and this kid has no idea.
He is handsome and she is being slowly choked by a paisley boa constrictor.
Dare I say Ludo (center, often referred to as Lulu) looks really handsome in this pic? Almost as stunning as the nose on his friend to the left of him.
Newbie club promoter Jason G. (left) and friend, who are not caring that less La Toya means more Yelle and Cut Copy.
We pack 'em in at Good Times...and then Jimmy tries to crowd surf.
Patrick (on the left), who never remembers meeting me, and a very father-son duo, who are obviously self-censoring their identities due to legal concerns about pedophilia.
TREND ALERT! Wearing as many ascot as you can at once officially in.
Kristofer V. (right, with friend), repping for the Bay Area in more of an MC Hammer kinda way than a Tupac kinda way. "THATS WHY WE PRAY!"
THE BROTHERS PADHILA. No other caption necessary.
Feeling Danny's vintage Reebok tee.
Casey (left) and friend, liking the Rebbie Jackson that I threw in to compliment the La Toya Jackson I could have been playing.
Jamaal (left) and friends, digging on you digging on me and other old school TLC tracks.
Hello boys. Will you be joining us next week as we honor the almighty queen, Ms. Tina Turner?
Ryan (left, with Valdez) looking as adorable as ever, forcing us to wonder whether his on again, off again relationship is on or off.
Troy (right), enjoying the fruits of off-duty go-go guys.
In the immortal word of Valerie Cherish, I don't need to SEE that!
One in four gays will make a Britney Spears request at any given point in an evening. Can you pick out the culprit?
Yours truly (left), with Tommy (center) and Matt as Christian (far right) chats with his post-Good Times Adam4Adam buddy.
Slow dancing to SWV's Weak.
Luke (left) tried to convince me that up to Seattle and Vancouver would be well worth it at this time of year. I was like, brrrrrrr, its cold up there, there must be some Torros in the atmosphere.
How is there an endless supply of cute guys in New York City? The mind boggles.
Jaime, Steven and John (from left). Steven is looking even more like Matt the Baker's twin brother thanks to the blurriness of my camera which Kelvin has dropped one too many times.
Who is this doorman and what has he done with our beloved Scot?!
Plaid on plaid love, part 271.
Charlie and gang, giving Bette Davis Eyes realness.
BEST DRESSED PATRON OF THE NIGHT! That coat! That hat! Boo is giving it!
Open wide boys. There's lots more stuffing to be had.
David (left, with friends) on his twice-yearly jaunt from San Fran to New York, with a Santa Claus in training and sexy spanish-looking hombre.
Tommy, pretending to bottom for Christian.
Our beloved photographer Kelvin, caught in a blissful moment. I hope Good Life was playing while this photo was taken because Kelvin loooooooves to hear Good Life.
Oh really Fritz? I didn't know it was like that.
Alls well that ends well, especially when you're wearing a toga out to a gay bar. Happy Thanksgiving!
good times indeed.
i didn't know latoya had enough stuff for a whole evening of devotion? i need to check myself.
as for the britney requester....was it that 80's abercrombie fella?
I betcha it was!
A La Toya-themed party? That's amazing! There's nothing like that where I live. I know this post is months old but I'm a hardcore Toy soldier, and curious to know what was the setlist?
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