Variations on the indoor scarf look, which, as previously reported, is officially sweeping the city.

Your selectors for the evening, proving that it's never too cold to rock a tank top.

The lady of the evening Stephanie Stone (left, with Ericka and Harriet), whose hair was looking OVAH thanks to stylist-to-the-stars Perfidia.

Mikey (left) might be absent from future pics for a hot minute as he's due for a London departure very very soon, though with London's airports all closed, he might be drinking his frustrations away at next week's Good Times, featuring disco with W. Jeremy Pelser who recently killed it in London at Horse Meat Disco.
The magical floating head of Dustin, pictured with the one and only CHILITA!

Steph was reeeeeal nervous before her music video world premiere but a few vodka tonics helped loosen her up a bit.

Bros before hoes.
The iconic ginger beard of Mr. Bryan M., who we're happy to see out and about a bit more despite the deep freeze and super short days we've been experiencing here in New York City.
Too much sexiness in the pic to even begin captioning this pic.
Every time someone throws a peace sign nowadays, I automatically think that they're putting their "number twos in the air if ya did it on 'em" thanks to Nicki Minaj talking about how she "shitted on 'em."
Kelvin was a bit off with centering the camera this week but I actually loved the way this one came out. Like a drunken downtown version of a Rockettes Christmas Spectacular audition...
...but more spectacular when you can see their faces.

Speaking of spectacular, spectacular facial hair gentlemen.

And speaking of Christmas, ho ho ho! I'll be DJing Christmas Eve at Eastern Bloc for jews and non-family oriented goyim.
Jason Pants (right) and bedroom eyes friend, standing near the very classy "projection screen" we set up at Eastern Bloc for the video premiere.
Around 12:30am and with much suspense, we finally watched Steph's music video, parts of which were shot in LA and Las Vegas. I was sort of expecting a seven foot tall Steph in a montage of her favorite Forever 21 pieces but this was just as good.

Shaquandre is taking that snow suit onesie look to new levels.

Plaid on plaid on plaid on plaid.
The entire crew came out to support Stephanie Stone in her latest musical endeavor and the love was felt throughout the bar...
2011 is going to be Stephanie's momenet. TRUST! It also kicks off with a killer Good Times January 5th, when we welcome back Sammy Jo from Barcelona and Erickatoure (in the hat) does a live performance of her dance and dancehall track, I'm Grown and I Do What I Want. GAG!
Good Times is number one!

We had to capture those shoes on film. I mean, wow. Kevin on Kevin on leprechaun loafers.
Anddy, Saya and the whole Kevin on Kevin crew, together again to the sounds of Together Again by Janet. Gant really turned it with the Miss Jackson set, as we all knew he would.

Proletarians of the world, unite.

WHO LET THE TWINK OUT?! (woof, woof woof, woof)
Scott, Steph and Devin (from left), eagerly awaiting that point in the night when we abandon the musical theme and go all out Tina Turner or Nicki Minaj till 4am.
Did you know Daryl (left) is as big on Ciara as I am. I smell a Ciara Good Times party in the works.

Steph's video release wouldn't be complete without a visit from our favorite (newspaper) cover girl Ladyfag (right), who charmed us till the wee hours of the morning and looked fabulous all the while.
Charlie (left, with Michael), also rocking the winter tank top but we're not so sure he own much else.
GOOD TIMES! See you next week for disco with W. Jeremy and yours truly. xo
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