Wednesday, September 30, 2009


"Vtg 90s CROSS COLOURS Hip Hop GHETTO Sporty Bodysuit SM"

I so think I could pull it off as a tank top or full-on body suit if I didn't have a double D chest. Buy it HERE.


On the heels of a brilliant alterna90s night that my DJ friend Alex, aka the Dutchess of Pork, did in London called Babes Against the Machine, we decided to breakout all our old school Sleater Kinney and Green Day 90s gems last Wednesday at Eastern Bloc and bring back the days of the mosh.

I was actually at the Yeah Yeah Yeah's concert when these early photos were taken but it looks like Andrew (left) started his own little mosh pit for two.

Butthole Surfers! As in, that's what was playing when this photo was taken, though this party really should have just been called Butthole Surfers from the get go.

Tonsil hockey athletes doing their warmups.

Charlie (left) really dug into his 1990s treasure trove of blouses to come up with this number and we love him all the more for it.

GAY POSE! Anytime anyone does that one arm around the shoulder thing, I immediately start singing Judy Garland songs because it is so the universal sign for all things g.a.y.

The Dutchess of Pork brought along two of our good friends from London, Adrian (right) and Gunther, who actually grew up in Germany and informed us that German men sit on the toilet seat when going to tinkle. Who knew?

It is indeed a big momma thang.

Gabriel (left) and a friend who is ready for retaking Woodstock.

Big Scot (left) and Kevin just can't fight the seether and they can't see her till Scot's foaming at the mouth.

Fritz, giving you altern90s angst a la the Offspring. You gotta keep 'em seperated!

Eddie and friends, getting their heads checked by a jumbo jet.

If only Andre threw up after Fritz shoved his finger in his pie hole. Of course, Andre has no gag reflex so we had nothing to worry about.

The Dutchess of Pork (left), with a a very jetlagged Adrian.

Members of the quintessential altern90s rock force known as Weezer. I tease. But you're encouraged to dress up next week for our Night of 1000 Courtneys. She even twittered about it which means there's a chance she'll show!

Benoit (droite) et ami. Ils aiment Jordy's Dur Dur D'Etre Bebe.

Props for dressing the alterna90s part.

The salt and pepper sexiness that is total top Fritz.

Bartenders Andy (left) and Gabe may sling drinks at rival East Village gay bars but they also find the time to come together and bond over gay universals, like Madonna, lube and Mariah Carey.

A couple of Gin Blossoms, giving you hey jealousy.

Not a photo montage but an actual photo of a mini-Mikey and larger than life Erika, who promised to do a PJ Harvey number when John John Fields guest DJs a night of angry women.

And speaking of angry women, the crowd went wild when the Dutchess of Pork played Tori Amos' Cornflake Girl.

Getting a little too literal with Khia's My Neck My (lower) Back.

The V.V.V.I.P.'s of E.B., Mike, Evans and Casey (from left).

Stephen and Shane, rocking out to some Pavement, followed by the entire Reality Bites soundtrack.

And speaking of Reality Bites, who wants to play spin the bottle with him (and not just the amazing Juliana Hatfield version)?

The original Rico Suave, Isauro (in the bluish-purple top).

In a smokey haze outside of Good Times at Eastern Bloc, men and women congregated to discuss how there's only so much Smashing Pumpkins they can take.

That greek fashion duo, disarming me with a smile.

THE DUTCHESS OF PORK'S NYC DJ DEBUT. Look for his London parties Kimono Krush and stuff at the George and Dragon and something at Dirtbox, where I'll so be guest DJing as well.

Looks like the Ruff Club kids have found a new home at Good Times.

Jackie (right) and androgynous friend, saying I wanna be your Joey Ramone with those eyes.

GUESS WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK?! CHARLES'! (center, with me and Andy). No one really knows how old Charles is turning but if you have a hunch, email me. Or tell me at his party on Thursday at the Cock.

Guess who else is having a birthday this week? JAMES! And its next Wednesday at Eastern Bloc. It's called Night of 1000 Courtney Loves and we're hoping Courtney shows up and gives James a big, sloppy wet one.

Alon (left) and Adam are Stardog Champions.

Those are their real green eyes. No photoshopping necessary.

Tezer! Tezer (right) flew all the way over from Australia to check out Good Times and appear in these photos, though this was the most decent one of him I could find. I promise something a little more flattering for next week.

Officially 3am.

We'll make great pets. Especially the chick on the lower right, who danced for four hours straight!

The time of the night when I played Mazzy Star's Fade Into You...

...strange you never knew.

And then Kelvin started snapping photos of random passerbys. That's when you know its time to pack it in.

Support your local hooker. Get a tow job. See you next week at Night of 1000 Courtneys!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


If you missed last night's Fever Ray show at Webster Hall, go tonight or forever regret the fact that you missed the bestest laser light concert-going experience for all of eternity.


If Madonna walks into an East Village gay bar
and no one in the bar happens to see it
did it really happen?

Eyewitnesses say her holiness dropped into Eastern Bloc on Friday with Jesus and company somewhere between 110am and 130am. But patrons at the bar claimed to have not even seen her in the small space. Perhaps we will never know.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009


Courtney Love partied with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez last night! What's next, Gaddafi and the Olsen twins? We hear Love hit the Lachapelle Beauty Bar party after the Oliver Stone premiere. We also missed Neve Campbell at Eastern Bloc but it was worth it to see JIGGLY CALIENTE!


1) Contrary to what everyone kept telling me, rapstress Amanda Blank was quite charming and a dazzling performer at the Hard Medicine benefit I DJed.

2) Formika looked gorgeous and felt at home in her drag get-up as she filled in for Peppermint's Star Search at Barracuda.

3) Jiggly Caliente is EVERYTHING!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


A New Year is upon us! At last Wednesday's Good Times at Eastern Bloc, we rung in the Jew year of 5770 with Manischewitz, challah, mandel bread and chocolate, cinnamon and raspberry rugulach. 5770 is gonna be all about variety, y'all.

What better way to start off the Jew year but with hunky Israeli resident Adam (left), who arrived early for the baked goods but waited till 11pm for the open vodka bar to kick in. A man after my own jewish heart.

And speaking of hunky, photographer Kelvin was all over the big slab of meat on the left.

Bonne anneé a mes amis favorites de France, Lulu (left) et Jeremie.

George (left) and his friends with pretty purses.

The prettiest purse in the universe! Aka a Tori Spelling clutch. I need this for my headphones NOW.

Brett's (right) disco 'stache matched the sound of our fantabulous guest DJ Timmy, who spun the funkiest set on earth but failed to get photographed by Kelvin.

L'shanah tova to the goyish guy group sitting at the bar (that means happy new year in heeb speak).

No jew party would be complete without the biggest Heeb in Manhattan (after Woody Allen), HARRIET, front and center.

JAMES IHA SIGHTING! Which reminds me that we are overdue for a Smashing Pumpkins party but I will try to work them in next week when London's Dutchess of Pork and I spin Alterna90s at the next Good Times.

Michael (center) is always so well dress and dapper when he comes out on a Wednesday, though the tie usually loosens up (and then some) after a few cocktails.

DJ Adam, following Trina's advice and givin' 'em a little hip a little thigh, more pleasure for the eye. Adam and I are DJing a two floor dance-and-underwear party this Sunday!

Nothing says Happy New Year like a little lap dance.

Murphy and his unholy Star of David tattoo, saying CHALLAH!

I'm not sure Danny and friends could look any less enthusiastic about this photo but it was the only one of them and they're all pretty cute so I'm postin' it.

An early test-run of his Annie Lennox Halloween costume.

Kele (right) and Andy, both bonding over their love for circumcized men with major guilt complexes.

LT (right) and Nathan, who not only starred on my favorite television show of all time ever ever ever, The Comeback, but also just celebrated his birthday on 09-09-09. Happy birthday Nathan! Flashing!

Adam actually brought out his whole upper east side Jew posse (his sister included) who kind of function like Muammar Gaddafi's virgin women bodyguards. I am hoping Gaddafi comes by next week's alterna90s Good Times with DJ Dutchess of Pork since he'll be in NY anyway and I know how much he loves Tanya Donelly.

Cute boys in white tees can never do wrong. And Zach (on the right) is hosting an HIV benefit this Thursday and I'm DJing with Lauren Flax and Amanda Blank is performing. Come!

And now for Kelvin's genius Manischewitz chugging series, or as my mom would probably call it: A Lesson in How Meningitis Is Spread.

Baruch atah Adoni...

Elohaynu, melech ha-olam...

Borei p'riy ha-gafen!

Translation: Blessed art Thou, LORD our God...

King of the universe...

Creator of the fruit of the vine.

And by fruit of the vine, we mean super sweet and sugary wine concoction known as Manischewitz.

Even the British get into it!

This pic of Casey pretty much says it all, though Casey literally could not get enough and pretty much polished off our second bottle of Manischewitz all by his lonesome.

Burping up a little concord grape amazingness.

Once the Klezmer music kicked in, everyone was feeling good and ready to hora. Sadly a barstool just isn't a suitable substitute for a hora chair.


Makario (left) is always the gentleman, trying to make Paul (right) feel tall for a brief moment in time.

Charlie (left), the creative genius behind the Charlieslut blog that I link to and his performance artist muse known as Angelo.

Shane (left), still toying with women who like to kiss gay men.

Sexy underage barflies Bob (left) and Philippe, sharing a post-Jaeger shot moment. Bob throws a rad party on Thursdays at Eastern Bloc called Contact. Come and rape him.

Bob also has the most rad tattoo in the whole entire universe on his lower back. If Madonna ever comes to Eastern Bloc, I hope she gets a glimpse of this and decides to adopt Bob.

Dude in the center may or may not have been really wasted at Vandam last Sunday with his hand down his pants the entire night. Just sayin'.

Cameron (right, with friend), rockin' the Backstreet's back alright!

Keep it kosher boys.

The Evans St. Gerard fan club, which I am proudly a card carrying member of.

Last week, Ryan (center) and I cleared up a long-running misunderstanding started by a now-engaged Valdez who introduced me to Ryan by admonishing me for not responding to Ryan when he unlocked pics on Manhunt for me years ago.

Mad that I didn't bake kugel for this event. Just wait till Hanukkah.

"In the future, everybody will be famous for 15 seconds on"

Shiny happy people holding hands.

Giving you major jewcurls, reminiscent of my wigs 'n' wieners 'do.

The only thing gayer than a sparkly, rainbow yarmulke is a hooded vest.

Choke hold.

I'm guessing Michael T. (left) found his boots for the night.