Early in the evening, Casey (left) was dishing to me on this and that in the DJ booth when Mr. Kingston, Jamaica (right) snuck up and tried to play a little tonsil hockey with Casey. Casey was not having it.

Meet the newest Good Times hunk, Rob, who you can now find barbacking (yes, that says BAR backing, not barebacking you perverts) and photographing for us each and every Wednesday. Swoon.
Happy Halloween!
Since coming back from London, I'm taking much more pleasure in the well-dressed fashion subtleties of handsome gentlemen such as these two.
As the Temptations once sang, ain't too proud to beg! Get it gurlz.

Charlize (left) and the ever bare chested Devin, who earns the title of a true scissor sister since she can modify nearly anything into an amazing ready-to-wear ensemble with a pair of shears.
Andy (left), Kele and me having been having RuPaul's Drag Race viewing parties on random Mondays, though I'm a bit sad now that Stacy Layne Matthews has been chopped. )Get into my Siegfried and Roy Live at the Mirage tank!)
TRANNY! Everyone loves Tranny, the blonde you see before your eyes (sandwiched by Sammy Jo and guest DJ Nita) who actually goes by the name Tranny. She is genius and will cut a rug if you play anything Rolling Stones, which I obviously did.
Happy belated birthday to our dear friend and sometimes shirtless bartender Mark A. (left), who looks like he picked up some fresh meat (and we mean really fresh. Like, chickadee.) to celebrate that he's still winning, duh!
Heartthrob Rob and Alex, who invited all the Good Times patrons to his house in Italy for the summer. Book your ticket now.

Regardless of whether we do a Courtney Love party, a Billy Ocean wonderland or Motown Soul night, Miss Gary R. will ALWAYS have a request (but they're usually good requests).

Tim and Andy and the weird Jersey Shore rosary that Andy insists arrived in his mailbox just before coming out to Good Times that night. Don't be surprised if an Ed Hardy tracksuit "appears" in his mailbox right before next week's party, which features the disco sounds and shirtless boys of Boston's Foxy party.

POP STAR DINA MARIE! (aka Dina Delicious.) Dina does not come out nearly enough since she's been hard at work on her debut album but last Wednesday was an exception, as Dina lit up the party and brought a smile to everyone's faces, mine especially.

Every gurls crazy about a sharp dressed Michael W.

Obviously Nita is on the decks and is turning it kuuuun-tee, henny, which anyone could surmise by this look that Troy is throwing.
The beauty and charm of Kevin L. (right), as emphasized by the company he keeps.
They totally thought it was gonna be a freestyle party. Sorry fellas! Feel free to party your bodies, though, Stevie B. style.
Scruffy, flat brims and incredibly sexy eyes. Just how we like 'em at Good Times.

Spontaneous dancing in the streets, courtesy of Mark and Keisha.

Kevin just love rubbing his man scent all over the coats he keeps a watchful eye on every Wednesday.

Garbear! I don't really care if Gary's real name is Gary because there's nothing better than shouting GARBEAR! across a bar as many times as possible.

Uber-butch Peter (right) is looking rough and tough and all sorts of sexy these days, though we do miss the clutch he used to carry around religiously.

Gimme gimme more gimme more gimme gimme more.

Colby is guest DJ Nita's sister, but since she's not a gay dude she may qualify as being a brother rather than a sis. But they're really tight. That's how I met her. And to know her is to love her. xoxo

Sell the garments, darling.

Happy birthday to Jorge, to whom I gave the best present ever by sharing my East Village sushi secrets with him.

John and Tim as the plaid mustached twins with sexy silver hair. Now playing.
Alex and Zach, seemingly looking like the same height even though they are probably more than a foot apart.

Mel and Michael T., who had their very first bathroom session thanks to Mel's new boots. Michael is excited x 1,000 for the Boston boys of Foxy at the next Good Times, part of our four year anniversary month.

Damacio, striking a contemplative Fran Leibowitz-type pose over in the corner. I'm still reeling from the documentary about Fran, entitled Public Speaking. Maybe Fran should host a lezzie Good Times night.

Oh yes wait a minute mister postman.
Dina and Nita on the 1's and 2's. Nita really turned the whole place out with his Motown assortment, proving that in light house music tendencies, IT ALL BEGAN WITH MOTOWN.

My neighbor makes youtube video under the monkier Mat With One T, though all things considered, Mathew (right) is the original Mat with one T in my book. Sorry neighbor!

Winter, spring, summer or fall, we love a pork pie hat, mostly because it's called a pork pie hat.
These two were a little shy about getting their pic taken at first but they were really feeling the Motown and the party and warmed up to me after a drink or five. Nice meeting ya' Tony.
Oh, and making out with Dina is always a good ice breaker too.

How many black garments can you count in this hear photo? Wesley's heart doesn't count either. Love you Wesley!
Seriously. Kisses from Dina are the most magical thing ever besides a motorboat from Dina. And if you don't know what a motorboat is, look it up. Or ask Dina.
If you haven't noticed, Kelvin has been on party hiatus from Good Times, which is why there aren't any fingerprints on the lens but which is also why there are no strange posing directions being given, making it way harder to caption this week's pics.


"She started strippin' in da club."
Do I dare say that William (left) is giving Thomas a run for his money in the gay autism department?
Mel, lost in the land of the East Village giants, courtesy of upcoming birthday boy and all around teddy bear Jermaine.
Really folks. Running out of captions except to say plaid strikes again, which I think I've already said 332 times this year.

Darren cracks a smile on camera! Tell EVERYONE!

So the party was pretty much the bomb bomb diggity. No joke. Thank you Nita and Dina and everyone who ever put an album out on Motown, especially Diana Ross cuz the gays just could not get enough of Diana Ross.

A late night cameo by our favorite care bear Mikey, with his fill-in-the-blank Robyn tshirt. How about Nita's fierce Motown set is killing me (softly).

Zach giving you runway. But like, really men's fashion runway, not Willie Ninja take-it-to-the-flawwww runway.

Liking the cap, even if it's 4am and no one is leaving da club. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

See you next week! xoxoxo
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