Me, Mikey and our amazing party props, complete with popper bottles, Depends and a Poop-themed voting box for patrons to write in their favorite variety of poppers.
Feeling light headed early thanks to whoever put the poppers bottle in front of the electric fan AND the air conditioner.
You know these chicks were like, what the hell are poppers? Then they reenacted the entirety of two girls, one cup.
Enjoying my first ode-to-poppers track, Rush Rush.
Jacob (left) and Charlie just got back from a road trip around Milwaukee and Tennessee and lived to tell tales of radical faeries, Graceland and some dude who paid for both of them to fly out and meet up with him (!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH WEEKS (right)! Jimmy DJed for Josh and the rest of us as we chowed down on the poop-inspired mini-snickers that Mikey wrapped in Depends for the party.
Purple pants! It's just like MYKL's short-lived club persona Purple Pants from his days on the door at Mr. Black, the original downtown poppers den of the aughts.
Michael (right) was on his best behavior for his first visit to Good Times after a somewhat rabid biting spree in the basement of Vandam at Greenhouse three nights earlier.
"We will stand as far away from the poppers and poop side of this party as possible."
Wandering around the pole until something his way comes.
Something his way comes. And comes again.
MICHAEL W. (right) LOVES POPPERS! And we love him. And his cute bearded friend too.
She is giving you rosebud realness with those lips in honor of our transgressive theme.
A sheerly spectactular party all around.
We're actually heading up a poppers and poop gang this summer. Please inquire about application at an upcoming Good Times.
And speaking of upcoming Good Times, William (left) is celebrating a very rock 'n' roll birthday with us in three weeks, but not before we do Blaxploitation Good Times at our next party in honor of Keisha's birthday. Gant guests and we're serving up free Popeye's fried chicken!
All the loverssssssssss...
I spy a few of my favorite Scissor Sisters who really got down and dirty with the theme, including superstar DJ Sammy Jo, the incomparable Justin Bond and Scissor Sisters frontman Jake Shears.
JR (left, with Matt) has turned into my own personal buddha and will now lets me rub his belly for good luck/free drink tickets.
Jimmy helped set up a promo for his friend's tshirt company, Mantagged (modeled by Darren and Gabe here), which makes shirt that can help identify you to strangers if they didn't already know that you're a pig or a bear. Or a shitty shitty popper bottom.
Andrew's muscles are going all limp to the N*Sync poppers anthem known as Pop. "Do you ever wonder why? This music gets you high?"
A deliciously dapper AJ (with boyfriend), pointing out that if you don't have a pair of purple pants, you're NOBODY!
The men of Mantagged. I'll take the bear, thanks.
Frisco birthday boy Tom D. was nice enough to model a gorgeous pair of depends once he was feeling good and ready.
And actually, the modeling never stopped.
Turns out Jungle Juice Plus was the winner of our poppers portion of the evening. Or, according to this particular ballot, the silver bottle feels fieeeeeerce.
And as for the poopers portion, well, I can only hope you witnessed Tom's spontaneous interpretive pole dance when Jimmy played Madonna's Like a Prayer. See you next week at Blaxploitation Good Times!
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