Somebody just celebrated their quinceanera! Wait, that would make her fifteen, in which case should shouldn't be out at a bar with her four favorite gays. Scratch that.
Artsy Good Times! Look for photographer Kelvin's work at an Envoy Galleries show any day now.
Casey (left), cozying up to a handsome bearded gentleman. Casey also bought me a vinyl LP this week just because. Thanks Casey!
Can't get enough of your love, babe.
Virginia IS for hustlers, though DJ Adam told me that his recent southern road trip with Daniel Nardicio proved that Virgina is not for handsome hustlers.
With Andy (right) not working at the Cock any more, he 1) seems to be in a permanent good mood (!) and 2) now has more time to come out and party with us. Chicago house music night anyone?
I thought all these types were rounded up and eliminated. Or maybe that was just that new MIA video that everyone is obsessing over.
Louque, using the force to entice cute boys up to his Wednesday Fagbash party up in Provincetown this summer.
Keisha (left) is about to turn 30 again and has requested a Blacksploitation Good Times in her honor after next week's Poppers and Poop party (aka Big Bottom Good Times since a Big Bottom goes good with Big Top, another nearby party). And Keisha's wish is our command.
Ryan (second from right) has been perma-smile all week thinking about the upcoming Diana Ross concert on Wednesday. Maybe she'll come after party with us. Can someone wrangle her gay son down to the East Village?
It was actually a full week of bear-infused disco dancing between this and the Horse Meat Disco men, who I DJed with at Vandam on Sunday, though we hear they really turned it out at a Brooklyn loft on Saturday.
Red leather Fila cap. HAYYYYY!
New York University has finally let out for summertime! Cheers to that.
CRUTCH TREND! Watch for it.
New York's newest tall couple, Gabe (right) and Stephen, who would reach approximately thirteen feet (3.96 meters) if one stood on the other's shoulders. Happy belated birfday Gabe.
Shaquanda (left), proving that he has so much love to give.
Late night lap dance.
Nita and Andy ARE the first, the last and my everything.
Paging Dustin's (left) mustache! Wherever you are, you are sorely missed.
Actually, I bet Dustin's mustache is hiding out in Kevin's beard, along with a few hummingbirds and that girl that went missing in Aruba.
Yes to this necklace! It's like doing a neck workout without actually having to do a neck workout.
BRODY IN SEQUINS! Now that's truly my everything.
Rollin' with the homies.
Paparazzi stalking Erickatoure and her entourage and hoping for some remixes of My Pumps ASAP.
Mark and Michael, letting the music play as they share an intimate moment. See you next week!
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