So much handsomeness and so much variety to start off the evening. This could almost be a United Colors of Benetton ad, but like, United Colors of Good Times.

Brett (left) and Steven following Beyonce's instructions as they pose for the camera now flick flick flick.
It's like that old Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine song: Gingham is gonna getcha!
Sean (center) was flying high after his first experience of DJing a gay pride float four days earlier.
Boys boys boys! I promised to play Italo sensation Sabrina in my early disco-italo set and boy did I deliver. PS - Did you know that Sabrina teamed with Samantha Fox for a single a few years ago? I gagged.

These boots are made for waking (around the newspaper strewn streets of the East Village).

I think I might have died if his shirt actually said G.H.A.Y.

A bit dressed up for the last week of June but its nothing a cold beer (or ten) can't fix.
I have so much love for every person in the picture, from up and coming DJ Ryan Smith (left), my best friend Mikey, the always incredible DJ & producer W. Jeremy (right) and the superstar guest DJ of the evening, SEVERINO!


Hizies Timmy! You can't hide behind that amazing Chris Habana hat all night. When are we going to get you and Burnsy (aka Melissa of W.I.T. fame) do sing a live Good Times duet? Brett's mustache can sing backup.

Yes child. You are not even getting the full effect of Xander's look for the evening since our cameraman couldn't capture the glow-in-the-dark awesomeness of his light-up neon bracelets.

My fair ladies, dancing on their own in the corner.

Hola Ricardo! I hope you stayed till Severino's set, when, for the first time in Good Times history, every single person in the bar was up and dancing for a good two or three hours.

Love sensation.

SEVVY! DJ Severino, serving the love sensations and good vibrations.

Jeremy and his gorge Italian model friend who I might turn straight for. Or bi.

Actually there were lots of euro ladies in the house thanks to Severino's international and hetero/homo appeal.
Sevvy started his set off with Chemise's She Can't Love You and we all knew it was going to be a good night from that point on.

Neon dreams, hosted by Xander and his hot pink daisy dukes.

When Cuba meets Venezuela, hosted by Eddie (right) and Danny.

It's been a hot minute since I've seen Kevin (left) and his hubby out in the EV. These two always remind me of my days hanging at Starlight lounge, though according to Rob (the hubby, not pictured), they "mostly do weekends nowadays."
Speaking of weekends, I'll be out DJing high tea in the Fire Island Pines this weekend. Well, technically its pre-weekend since it's Thursday and Friday high tea, though this probably won't affect you if you're already out there for the week, as internet and mobile phone reception is still god awful on Fire Island.

Appreciating Sevvy's clever placement of George Michael's Everything She Wants, which seems to be making a major comeback in my downtown DJ bubble.
More of my favorite people including a bleary-eyed Ryan on the left looking like he just climbed a stairway to heaven and is slowly coming back to us.


Last we saw Paul, he was headed to New Hampshire or Vermont to live in seclusion at a cottage on the lake. Now he's sporting a massive ZZ Top beard and talking about cycling the country, living off of his bike and sleeping in a strung up hammock.

Alone and I, together on a psychedelic disco trip, which, as Mikey Lollo would say, was ¡wepa!

Cesar (right) and Shaquandre, giving you complimentary brightness and perfected bronzeness.

Matteo (left) and Garrett have somehow managed to get out to Fire Island almost every weekend so far this summer and could probably cross the meat rack with their eyes closed, which they should do NEXT Friday as well (July 15), when I play a late night set at the Pavillion club.

Somehow through his disco set, Severino managed to mix in a bit of Janet Jackson and Aaliyah too to raucous applause.

Konichiwa, bitches.
Actually, we're gonna upgrade the name of this particular night from Good Times to really fucking amazing times.

Pose for the camera now flick flick flick! Oh, and newsflash: Andrew the Trainer (left) is no longer Andrew the Trainer! He's Andrew the restaurant manager. Make a note of it in your contacts.

DJ-inspired tank top wear is always a treat to see. Actually, maybe there's a future business venture for me somewhere in there.
I'll repeat, really fucking amazing times as evidenced by the look on Shaquandre's face.

Sevvy and his friend who is also a DJ (and maybe a restauranteur) and maybe be coming back to future Good Times to party and maybe DJ. He should start at next week's, when me and the incredible Scott Ewalt do an all-oldies Good Times, or as we like to call it, Little Richard's Southern Fried Soul Shack: Second Helping.

And then I played Bikini Kill's White Boy. (Just kidding. That wouldn't be very disco of me.)

Even Saint At Large head honcho Stephen (right, with Sevvy) made a rare late night appearance. Can't wait to DJ next year's Black Party with the Horse Meat Disco boys! (hint, hint Stephen.)

Pucker up, ladies.


STEPHEN PEVNER POLE DANCING MOMENT! If there was any doubt as to how awesome this party was, this picture should answer that for you.

Hot to Trot.
330am and they keep on dancing.

Requisite Andrew the Spread Eagler shot.

The thing that East Village legends are made of! aka Scot, Paul and Billy Beyond. <3 <3 <3

We didn't get many good shots of this dude but let me tell you that he was going for it in the best way possible and bringing all the energy to everyone on the dance floor.
Can we say after party at my place?

LIVING for this creature!

So yeah. It was the best fucking party ever. Sorry if you were unlucky enough to miss it or if you "only do weekend." Thank you Severino and everyone who came. See you next week at Little Richard's Southern Fried Soul Shack Good Times: Second Helpings. xo, Sparber
Awesome pics, thanks for posting! One little thing: it's hard to tell if the captions are for the pic above the text or below it.
The Black guy with the purple hat is HOT
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