Former New Yorker and my overly gracious host Rich showed me the sites of Seattle (Kurt Cobain's final house!), baked me eggplant parm from scratch and came out clubbing with me.

You better do it DJ Colby! Colby recently moved to New York but still flies back to Seattle where her adoring fan flock to her once-a-month party.

Letting you have Seattle club kid looks.

Gaga for this Gaga on K look.

The fiercest of Seattle queens were not afraid to take it to the stage and vogue it out right in front of the DJ setup.

My favorite stage dancer was this real girl who was giving major Beth Ditto effect. She also had moves for days and is now my number one Seattle inspiration. Watch out for the big gurlz!
If you can't tell by these pics, it was really really smokey up in da club thanks to this smoke-breathing Chinese dragon. Happy Chinese New Year, Seattle!
Colby warned that it'd be "quieter than usual" since it was the middle of winter but the party was pretty much packed out with cuties as far as the eye could see.
This dude was REALLY feeling my set. As in, he was dancing so hard he bumped the CDJ and messed up the speed. Then he was escorted off stage and threw an empty plastic cup at me, though I was later told it was in admiration.
Major dance party in effect with multicolored beards and all.

I've never felt so professional in my whole DJ life.

Rich and I, chilling out in the V.I.P. (aka the green room) after my ferocious set.
JT and his cray-cray zebra stripes gave us a warm Seattle welcome. I'm already looking forward to my next trip back, whenever that may be.

And in the meantime Seattle, WATCH OUT FOR THE BIG GURLZ!
The next day, I flew down to San Francisco since I had been invited to do an (almost) all Nicki Minaj set at Joshua J.'s Big Top party. My SF hostess with the mostess was my good friend Roberto (center). Note the Nicki tee to the left. Died.

Really amazing installation art as the party photo booth, courtesy of Nicki's Up Out My Face Remix video with Mariah Carey. (Note: Mariah Carey Baby Shower Good Times is happening at Eastern Bloc Feb. 16th for Ryan McNally's birthday! And Black History month, of course.)

Pink Saturday y'all, complete with pink dresses and Lil Kim Crush On You video wigs. Oops. Did I just type that?

Hostess Heklina opened the drag performance with Did It On 'Em, shitting on placards of each of the performers that were appearing that evening.
Hekky (left) and Joshua J., keeping a couple wet wipes in case a bum try to touch me, EWWE.

Manicure Versace!, who couldn't stop telling me that this truly was the best party ever.

Side note - San Francisco drag is very accepting of hairy chests, muscles, beards, mustaches and anything untucked. Just sayin'.

Harijuku Nicki.

Feelin' on that corset. Each of these performers did a Nicki Minaj song and/or medley. So yeah, it pretty much was the best party ever. Manicure Versace was right.

Loving the Nicki Minaj sleeveless and the $20 this one tipped me to play Monster. I wasn't loving the attitude he copped when I played a Nicki Minaj edit of Monster cuz I hate Kanye West and wasn't about to waste 6 minutes and 19 seconds.

Summer 2011 note: mesh tanks are the new string tanks. Get into it.

Letting you have the Nicki Minaj V Magazine look! And this was his first drag performance and homeboy absolutely KILLED IT.

SF drag queens heart a corset on the outside.
This was the Nicki vs. Slim Shady drag performance to Roman's Revenge, where Eminem was hiding under that garbage bag and then shed his prison scrubs too to reveal his hard body. Wasn't mad at it in the least.
Patrick (left) danced till the very end and then hung around on the sidewalk afterward to dance some more.

I had to let you know that I got a crush on you.
This started happening around 1230 or so once it was too hot to breathe up in the club.

Party granny! She totally did it on 'em too cuz she forgot her Depends.

Yes please.

Clint (right) has a way with the boys, as proven by the dozen or so people I saw him making out with for my five days in San Francisco.
On Sunday, Roberto (right) and I attended the long-running beer bust at the Eagle, where we ran into my favorite technophobe (and amazing disco DJ) Bus Station John!

Later that night, after a few beers with our friend Paul at the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins, we made our way to the Nob Hill Theatre, where Paul snuck a photo of this dancer who a) had -10% body fat and b) danced to the ENTIRE first Portishead album, Dummy.
And even LATER that night, we wound up at Honey Soundsystem, where Lady Bear greeted us with her Beth Ditto-esque look. Beth Ditto is sweeping the west coast, y'all.
Fetish head gear or just a really nice night brace?
Such a pleasure to run into hunky party host and DJ Jason Kendig, who may have spoken to us but we can't really remember much after the beer bust.
Spacey looks from Stanley and RJ's Monday night party called Vienetta Discotheque, courtesy of Mike M.

On Tuesday, Roberto and I drove up to Sonoma to meet up with his roommates and check out a few teeny tiny wineries. We also sang Gypsy around some ramshackle grand piano in one of the winery museums aka Everything's Coming Up Grapes (and Roses).

What? You don't bring your two toddlers to afternoon wine tastings? Then you're not very California are you?
What snowstorm in New York? From left: Rodney, me, Charles and Roberto, featuring the blow-out he had received earlier that morning.

Something about testing the color of the wine. Not remembering much after the second wine tasting (we did three).

But we DID get cozy with all the staffers at the wineries. Thanks Sonoma!
RAYYYYYYYY! Wednesday evening, I reconnected with Ray (left), a New York sweetheart who is living the west coast life with his Saab convertible. We met up with Mike (center) and Kevin at Moby Dick's before my set at Booty Call.

Booty Call looks = Elmo crop top, which I've been coveting ever since.
Guy Ruben (right) in the Chinese New Year themed photo booth at Booty Call.

RJ took over photo duties for me later on when I DJed. He's very Clark Kent/Superman with and without the glasses.

Happy Chinese New Year Juanita (left) and Josh! Glad to be back at Booty Call, my west coast home away from home.

When bears attack, west coast edition.
Not only is Juanita More an amazing cook, performer and DJ, she is also a genius when it comes to delegating duties. She even has a helper named DJ Side Kick (left) who can mix the tracks she selects if she isn't up for doing it herself. It doesn't get any more cunt than that. End of story.

Hi Vivvy (left). I am sad I missed Some Thing at the Stud this time around as well as that Hard French party, which is why I'm toying with the idea of returning for gay pride this year.
The west coast version of the flat-brimmed crew.
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
Fantasy bear.

Beatpiggy Walter G., who is always a delight to see.
How on earth I missed seeing Miss Rahni at the club I will never know but I'm glad she was present as evidenced with this here photo.
Joshua J. (center) in a mesh tank top. Mark my words people.
Chinese New Year Samurai orders drinks. She likey very much.
Happy Anniversary on your party Stanley! Stanley pretty much has Mondays and Tuesdays locked down in SF. Don't mess.

Devin Demand demanded to dance during my Booty Call gig. And whatever Devin wants, Devin gets.
Yes, I'm stalking Mexi muscle bear from the Castro who wandered in, got shirtless and turned us all out. There. I said it.
Dance! Dance! Dance! (Yowza! Yowza! Yowza!)

Juanita and Joshua J. were kind enough to endorse the first official Booty Call after party on behalf of my visit, which Patrick (left), Kevin and I rushed over to when we heard there would be pizza.

San Francisco's answer to Tommy Sunshine and Cherie Lily.


Sadly, Juanita and I came to learn that the promised pizza was really Stouffer's French Bread pizza. And with that, Juanita said, "I'M OUTTA HERE."

Heroes in a half shell.

Party pets are the new poppers out in SF.
And finally, on to Grubstake for some late night burgers and omelettes. Thank you Seattle and San Francisco for a wonderful week. I hope to be back soon. Now on to the Ciara Party with me and Daryl Raymond at the next Good Times in NYC. xo
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This is all erroneous what you're writing.
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