The stunning Stephanie Stone arrived on the early side looking forever 21 from head to 6-inch heel. Yes, she wore heels in a blizzard! DO NOT DOUBT STEPHANIE STONE!!!

Achtung und hallo to that tall sexy Germanic one in the middle next to Matteo (one the left).
The stars and stripes (and plaids) of Good Times. We are always delighted to see Joe Mojito (right) out and about, especially since he has a hubby and mojito season is still months away.
Smile! Kylie Minogue tickets and Robyn tickets are both on sale!
Uh oh. When Hurricane Jason rolls through on a night like this, there is bound to be thundersnow.
I'm blaming Robyn for this platinum blonde hair thing that has been sweeping our party in recent weeks. And speaking of platinum blondes, Tabitha needs a series where she does a bar take over and whips the whole staff into shape (including Kelvin).
So the theme of Cool Dad starring Rich King was to have Rich play kind of 80s music, but cooler. Like Oingo Boingo and Patti Smith and Steely Dan, though Steely Dan is more dad than cool but we'll cut Rich some slack because it actually sounded pretty amazeatron.
Cool Dad gets caught in the thundersnow! Look who's sporting Y3 too. Must be from the big Eastern Bloc paycheck Rich (right) knew he'd be receiving later that night.
Thank GOD for our die-hard Good Times troopers: from left, Casey, Mikey and Evans-y.
Get into Steven's Juanita More tshirt! I'm actually DJing for Juanita this Wednesday, Feb. 2 at her legendary San Francisco party Booty Call. Come say haaaaay and hear all the new acid house I recently acquired. Oh, and you can buy a Juanita shirt here.

Uh oh. Someone had a hard time keeping that beer in their mouth. Just kidding. It was really coming down outside. Just wait and see.

Cool dad = cool troll shirt in my book. In Mikey's book, it equals cool retarded modeling poses.
Sistahs are doin' for themselves.
What storm? I was seriously getting texts asking if we were still open and I was like, ummmm, people are pouring in here (with their tongues frozen in funny positions).
Finally a night where an indoor scarf kind of makes sense (but only kind of).

Colin is bringing butch back in a major way and I really need to brainstorm a St. Patrick's Day Eve event for him and Peter G. to host ASAP.

COOL DADS! And yes, Ed can wear a tank top in the middle of a snow storm. Not mad it at.
Ed (right) enlightened me on the differences between the Spike, the Lure and the Anvil, the long-gone New York City predecessors to the Eagle.

Really digging that Rich is playing Foreigner's Jukebox Hero right now, which was the highlight of the night for me.
Hola amigos! I'm not sure where Carlos (right) and friends wandered in from but the good thing about snow storms is you can be sure these people aren't leaving till last call. And they so didn't.

I tried to get all political with Aly (left) and talk about the happenings in Cairo. This was last Wednesday though so he was like, it's nothing. WRONG! All I have to say to Mubarak is byezies.
This might be the second best picture ever taken at Good Times (after this one, of course.)

Andre and his friend and even the bystanders are giving you serious boots.
Speaking of boots, though I will be in San Francisco DJing Booty Call, Michael T. and W. Jeremy will be entertaining for boots and boys at next week's Good Times in my absence. Please go say hey and make sure they are on their best behavior.
GET IT DENISE! (and Andre too.)
Cool dads x 5.
Sean (right) and his hair twin have finally been reunited and it feels just like a silky smooth Pantene commercial.
Como se dice adorable?
And I seriously love how this Japanese chick in the middle turned up drunk in like, 20 photos after this.
By the way, this is what was going on outside the entire duration of the party.

Third best photo in four years of Good Times photos.
Steamy Windows, Tina Turner style.
Who on earth could it be?

SHAQUANDRE! Always putting on a show for you. Always.

This chick must have really loved Mark A.
I mean, REALLY loved Mark A. Oh, hello Kelvin. I didn't hear that disco request you made 20 times in the middle of my cool pup rock 'n' roll set.
Gabriel kept the bar open till 4, as predicted, because people wanted to drink till 4.
Especially this chick, who also wanted to hug till 4.
See you next Wednesday in San Francisco at Booty Call, or, if you're in New York, suit up and boot up for Michael T. and W. Jeremy. xo
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