Not sure which is scarier: that new poster or those green boots Kevin is sporting. Nightmares! Just kidding. I'm sad because Kevin is headed to Thailand and India for a month. Missing him already.
Angry that we didn't do a count-the-candy-corn contest this year. Actually, we've never done one but if we did, I can guarantee someone would smash the jar and loot the candy corn.
Richie (right) and Rainblo, who is moving on up in the world with his new job at Mudhoney Salon. Congrats Rainblo! You should drop by for her fierce "blow" out.
Corporate Halloween twin look!
It's pretty much freezing outside in New York right now but this never stops the smokers from sneaking a cig. It also doesn't stop Kelvin from partying outside with the camera.
Michael (left) actually glued his eyelids shut for Halloween this year and it was really really scary for all parties involved.
Well hello there. Someone dressed up as handsome for Halloween this year.
Alon (right) is back in town after an extended summer in Provincetown and a few long weeks out on Fire Island with our sister and musetrix, Lina. We also hear he has an album in the works.
Me and the creature Michael T., who hasn't had a drink in TWO MONTHS! Get this girl on a Hennessy drip NOW!
At some point in the night, things got a little slurry and blurry (much like this pic), which is when I went up to Erickatoure (left) and started raving about her drum n bass/dancehall track, I'm Grown and I Do What I Want. Expect an upcoming Good Times performance of it very very soon. And in the meantime, listen to it here.
One of these things is not like the others.
Guest DJ Michael T. (left) and Fernando, who actually donned devil ears just for the hell of it. Then again, Fernando always lets us have it with his outfits.
Micheal, Jeremy, Jeremy's new boo and Mel (from right), giving metal realness between the Danzig shirt and the Dropkick Murphy's font.
Sorry Medo and Danny but Casey's lace-up leather vest is really stealing the show in this here picture. Try again next week!
Late in the night, I launched into an all oldies set featuring lots of The Shangri-Las, because you never know what you're gonna get at our Good Times party as proven by this picture.
RICH KING HAS MOVED! (but that handlebar mustache is still turning us out).
Move along! Nothing to see here.
Or is there? At which point we packed up and headed to the Urge for a 330am screening of the Birds. See you next week!
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