Monday, September 09, 2013


...babies! #notajoke

Check out the full article over at Gothamist.


Anonymous said...

"Twerking". Perfect example of how black people create something without taking ownership of it. Then some white person gets the bright idea to take it. Afterwards, niggas are just stuck "twerkin" on dumb ass Youtube videos in their mothers' basements. In the meantime, whites make a business out of it, and laugh all the way to the bank... in NEW YORK!!! But that's just one small example. I could go on. So sad. Dumb niggas.

But "rap" and "hip hop" (right along with "twerking") that you would be hard-pressed to convince white people that these things aren't, in fact, "Public domain(here I use the high-pitched-self-righteous-self-congratulatory "We'll take it from here" tone so common to white justifications for everything).

Niggas are sad.

Well, you go white boy!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant to say...

But "rap" and "hip hop" (right along with "twerking") are so ubiquitous that one would be hard-pressed to convince white people that these things aren't, in fact, "Public domain (here I use the high-pitched-self-righteous-self-congratulatory "We'll take it from here" tone so common to white justifications for everything).

And still, "Niggas be dumb..."

Again go white boy...

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