All the A-List San Fran gays came out for the black tie event, which took place in a pavilion (read: huge warehouse) where people were dressed as gold and silver "oscar statues" (above).
Sadly, the drinks weren't free and the food vendors all served bite sized samples. Why does almost every man look better in a tuxedo?
Naturally there were hoards of dudes in drag, being that this IS San Francisco.
It's really hard to make a huge pavilion look classy. The electrical-storm-in-a-globe decorations (shown here with Roberto) didn't help.
Caroline (left, with Heather) hooked us up with the tickets. THANKS CAROLINE! She's been nationally networking gay-straight alliances since I lived in San Fran eight years ago.
At some point, we got really drunk and found all the abandoned hors d'oeuvres. Note that I didn't bring anything dressy to the west coast and was forced to borrow grey pants and a purple button-down and didn't realize the event was black tie. Oops.
Luckily, I was not the most underdressed person at the event, thanks to this hot mess.
After the Oscars, the real fun began when TAYLOR DAYNE PERFORMED!
Just imagine thousands of gay men in tuxedos jumping up and down to "Tell It To My Heart," or better yet...
These men sure let loose when they party.
There was even kind of a makeshift mosh pit where everyone circled up for these two, who seemed to be doing some kind of performance dance thing.
Roberto's good friend Rodney (right, who you can also see in the video above pumping his fist near the stage on the left) befriended an older man and borrowed his cowboy hat.
I told these two I'd send them their picture but as you can see, I'm still catching up on my San Fran photos.
We found a cell phone once the moshers dispersed. One of the sent text messages said, "Happy New Year to all my Asians."
I think these ladies are on the board of Roberto's nonprofit, the Gay and Lesbian Center. San Francisco is so small and incestuous that you probably end up partying with your boss a whole lot more than you'd like.
Did I mention that we got drunk and devoured the remaining food?
And it was really really yummy.
We also got up the couraged to take photos with the hot mess, who we then saw out two nights later (natch).
I'm not sure what these two get into, but after I took this, the chick asked me if me or my friends would make out with her guy friends. We were like, ummmmm...
This is as close to Southern California as I got.
There was a photo station too where you could take group or solo photos. Who takes a solo photo at an Oscar gala?
They also auctioned off a Mercedes, which we didn't win but happily posed upon.
And then got inside the Mercedes and pretended to drive it.
And chillax in it.
And invited random gays inside of it.
After the gala, we headed to Big Top at the Transfer, where we ran into some crazies we had seen out the past few nights, such as this dude here (right) with Roberto.
Cute San Francisco indie rock realness.
Big Top is kind of like a pop music free for all with twinky go-go dancers.
It doesn't get more SF than these two.
This dude makes Boysroom look like the Townhouse.
I couldn't help but photograph every drag queen I saw. My camera loves them.
Suppository Spelling, stop following me.
Handsome Native American dude named Matt, who told me he really likes skinhead culture as you can see from his shirt.
Wild and crazy times call for wild and crazy hair. xo.
1 comment:
That purple shirt features some, er, embroidery.
To quote Sweet Pea's immortal words:
What is going oooooonnnnnn???
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