Baby C (left) and Jimmy hugged it out as Baby C tried to pose for spooky pics with the flashlight on. Foiled by flash photography again, Baby C.
Jason (right) may or may not have been really drunk when I snapped this pic, but I'm guessing he doesn't remember telling me he'd love for me to post it on my blog.
Chris (left) is down with the whole Next Magazine crew, including Benji (right), whose name I promise to remember until the next cocktail touches my lips.
Oh Ashton (right) and his men. I have no idea who this dude is but I'm sure he was feeling Jimmy's favorite track, Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire.
If you've never been to Eastern Bloc, the lighting is all dark and red, so without the magic of a flash, you would have had no idea that Jason had just been "working" in Miami.
I swore that the dude on the left was my friend Glen from afar, mostly because they both have similar noses that make me drool. Upon closer inspection, I have never seen this guy in my life.
Apparently 2008 is the new dawning of the age of Aquarius, if this guy has any say about it.
INTERNATIONAL GAY POSE ALERT! Justin (right) is a bigwig editor at a gay travel mag and must have perused one too many gay Mardi Gras ads of late.
From here on in, James shall be referred to as Miss World, since half of my friends refer to him as Courtney Love anyway thanks to his Halloween costumes from the past five years.
Its pretty bold of this dude to wear knee-highs in the dead of winter unless he works at the American Apparel store, in which case this outfit could just be his daily uniform.
This chick is a total dead ringer for my old friend named Becky. Like, I wanted to ask her all about her bunny rabbit and shit but realized that that would be totally confusing.
Adam (left) isn't Japanese but loves to say her-ro. But maybe he seriously can't pronounce his L's and I am being totally insensitive to his speech impediment right now, so I'll shut up and stare and Christian (right) instead.
I love getting cds and random music from strangers, especially Joe Ross (left), who has bequeathed me with Kylie B-sides for the past two weeks.
Beau (right) and his Heath Ledger lookalike friend, who told me our mutual friend Mel had styled Mariah Carey that very day. I then proceeded to "break break downnnnnn," Bone Thugz n Harmony style.
I wish George would have obliged me and posed for another picture, since this one does nothing for his pretty eyes and fine form.
Speaking of fine form, Kevin's has was looking fierce (as they say on Project Runway) thanks to his new hair relaxer.
X-man Alan Cumming (left) made a cameo with some friendly regulars, just to prove that Good Times really is the gay Misshapes. Madonna is next, folks.
Patches (right) might resist the wit and charm of our beloved Ms. Burke (left) but he also has the unique ability to turn Ms. Burke's pale Irish Catholic pallor a pretty pinkish red.
Ryan and Ryan, love at first sight.
Homos on the Range.
Damian (right) told me he had met a thuggish guy at Barracuda and then went on to explain that the guy was Jewish. Gay jewish thugs, unite!
Paisley Park at Good Times.
Ryan on Ryan raunch. Give it to me Ryan! Yes Ryan! Oh Ryan!
Chris (center) made many friends on Wednesday, including a drunken, retarded-looking Jimmy (left).
I have been prohibited from writing about Jacob's boyfriend (not pictured), which is probably what I'm complaining about on the right in this here photo.
Doorguy Scot, giving a shout out to his gnomies in Amsterdam.
A guy and his groceries, now on display at Good Times.
There's so much amazingness going on here between her pink satin and his wolf shirt and leather jacket.
Alex (left) loves to tell me that he'd happily have me as his boyfriend but that I'm out of his league. Nice to see you too Alex!
They've got one hand in their pockets, and the other one should be giving a high five. Or peace sign.
Christian (right) is adorable. He's also an up-and-coming electro soul singer whose songs I just listened to on his myspace page. "Freak that" is my favorite.
Chris (left) is thinking, Don't Rush Me, and the dude on right right is thinking, this love could be so much more.
Sometimes when you're tired of all the happy gay faces and smiling poses, someone throws you some genuine America's Next Top Model realness and it feels oh so relieving.
Miko (left) and Valdez, before Valdez shed his clothes and requested Rihanna's Rehab.
And finally, the gorgeousness that is Steven, complete with spread-eagled manly man tshirt, summoning you to come see us next week at Good Times. xo
i hate u
This is the best blog in America. Does Josh only dj on Wednesdays?
No, dearest djunahecuba. If you scroll down a little, you'll see I'm DJing nearly every night this week. My only weeklies are at Eastern Bloc (wednesday) and a straight spot called Kabin (saturdays). Otherwise, I do random parties at the Cock an the mayor's mansion, but that's mostly in the summer :)
Appelmoes 4 Ever
woohoo i made it on!
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