Celebrity #1: Billy (left, with Christian) is the editor, publisher, sales department and marketer of queer zine Straight to Hell. And he throws gay gang signs too.
That's Billy's zine. Its a bunch of gay smut stories that will suck you in and make you forget that you're out at a bar trying to get laid.
ALEX IS IN TOWN! My London friend Alex (left) stayed with me and partied with me for seven days straight till he flew off to Folsom in San Fran yesterday.
Celebrity Queerty editor Andrew B. (center) asked me to fix him up on a date, so I proposed a Queerty "Win a Date With Andrew" contest. Andrew wasn't so hot on the idea, though Christian (left) and Jacob thought it was brilliant.
Grey is obviously the new black this season.
These two were visiting from New Delhi, India for a big jewelry summit and would have been happy if I had played the new Britney Spears song on repeat.
I think this dude got stood up for an internet date. He had that look of despair. Oh, and there's the world-famous french Manhunt celebrity Aurelien in the background!
Look who's a regular! My former sleepaway camp showerhouse buddy Eric. We'll be reminiscing about our good times at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac this Saturday. Come join us.
A panoramic of my favorite people to see, taken by my favorite baker Matt. If anyone else is interested in becoming a Good Times photographer, let me know. The position is a total resume builder.
Do I spy the August douche messed with the DJ equipment while I was spinning? I guess he sort of redeemed himself by sending me a big apology and behaving himself this week, though the incognito glasses aren't fooling anybody.
I like to think of Beau as a post-op Sally Jesse Raphael.
Ex-boyfriends, reunite! Mike (right) just moved back to NYC after a year in Beirut and then Boston. Will he and Rich (left) fall back in love?
With arms around each other like this, I'm sure Massachusetts wedding bells aren't too far off for Rich and Mike. Congratulations.
Christian (left), as I've noted previously, is the cutest, best dressed and most photogenic fag around. This week, he mysteriously disappeared from the party, though this pic may offer some answers.
Every week, someone has to get all Britney Spears on the camera guy like Aurelien this week.
JR (left) and Matt are opening up their little love nest to the general public tonight, and I, for one, cannot wait. See you on Avenue D!
Chris and I are headed to St. John in the Caribbean in two weeks. Maybe he can bring that tank top and we can be twins, since I wore a short-sleeve Def Leppard Hysteria tshirt shirt LAST WEEK.
This gurl was officially twerking the hardest to my house beats, dancing and yelling like a banshee. "Werrrrrrrk!"
Amy Winehouse sighting! Just kidding, it's only the New Delhi jewelers from behind.
I have known Sarah longer than any other friend in my life. We used to trade Christopher Pike books back in elementary school. Now we trade Lil' Kim and Foxy Brown stories.
"Baghdad, ass up." Am I missing something here?
The lovely ladies of Good Times are asking Jimmy to pass the crack rock please.
I believe EVA (left) went home with Juern, who was visiting from London. A match made in white v-neck tshirt heaven!
...and apparently, this is what white v-neck tshirt heaven looks like.
David Davis (right) and I went to Hiro on Sunday for the first and last time in two years.
Aron (left) has been the man about town all week since taking a New York holiday from his New York job. Troy (right) looks just dandy even though he thinks I only post bad pics of him.
Kyle will lick your face if you come too close to him during his Friday night pole dancing performance.
How is it that I never met the handsomeness that is Richie before this week?
Darren is a downtown celeb in his own right. Some guy even told everyone in the bar later on that Darren was his first gay crush and his reason for coming out. It was awkward.
In the vein of an Iranian-themed gay party that's NOT Habibi, Eric added his own distinct Persian flavor to the mix.
Gregor didn't speak much but I'm feeling his unbuttoned buttons, if you know what I mean.
This guy walked in like he owned the place, so I was like, duh, porn star. But it turns out he's the gay jew crooner known as Ari Gold. I felt like playing Shorty Swing My Way.
The dapperness that is Jason has rapidly entered my life and I'm not complaining.
Alex, Joe and Lil Bow Wow's number one fan, yours truly.
Sometimes when black people get tattoos, I'm like, I can't really see that. Does that make me racist?
I know he's winking, but it looks like his eye has been poked out and he forgot to wear his eye patch.
This posse of hotness hung out from 2am until we closed up at 4. Four more reasons to party at Good Times till we tell you you have to leave.
Your other DJ for the evening, Jimmy Immy (left), drank way too many Jaeger shots for his own good and left his CDs at the bar (!!!). Check out his new blog here.
I'm feeling the flannel Castro cap in a major way.
If this were the back page of HX, this would be the photo that gets blown up really big cuz you KNOW that this one's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
...and then the camera battery died, but not before snapping one shot of Valdez's sinuous body.
Magamet (right) and Aron closed out the bar with R. Kelly's Ignition bidding them adieu. See you next week!
Ahh, the gayz!
Ahhh, Roze! You need to come by. No excuses now.
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