Now that airfare prices have dropped, handsome men from around the world, including Sean's friend from Portland, OR (right, with Sean) are Eastern Bloc bound.
Baby C and his hot friend Pete (pictured above) called the bar and gave us advance notice that they'd be rolling up in a limo in two minutes.
...except when you're really sloshed, it's easy to get "limo" and "Lincoln Town Car" mixed up. I LOVE YOU BABY C!
Craig cleared up a long-running rumor that he's been in a 10-year relationship. Apparently, that relationship ended seven years, in case you were wondering.
Jimmy DJed atop a bar stool since he sprained his already injured leg this week. Have fun in Andalucia Jimmy!
Christian (left) brought Glenn out for a drink, since Glenn is in from London for week's worth of fashion journalism. Drink up!
The speakers were a bit fucked up last night, so we turned the music up to 11, as you can see in this here picture.
I was like, "Tommy, how was your photo shoot in Lousiana?" an he was all, "that was a year ago," so I was like, ummmm, errrrrr, yeah, but you never told me how it was. (awkward.)
Good Times is seriously becoming THE punk rock chick hangout. Don't be surprised if you see Karen O. posing with the taxidermy next week at our gay Rosh Hashana party.
Maybe this guy's name is Kyle, or he looks like a guy named Kyle. He's one of those guys that I know but don't really know so I won't say hi but then I'll act like I know him the next day on my blog.
Adam (center) is throwing the gay Rosh Hashana party with me next week. We're calling it Holy Sheet and rounding up the hottest gay jews in New York City to come and throw down. BYOT (bring your own tallis).
Love him! He's the requisite tall indie guy that every party needs.
Darren is so cute and photogenic but sometimes his forehead reflects flash photography like nobody's business.
I hate admitting that dog tags are sexy but when a sexy guy wears them, I have no choice.
This is like a Rorschach test: Which do you notice first - the cutie on the left of the licking action on the right?
On Saturdays, I work at Tompkins Square Bakery (come stalk me) and this guy on the left is one of our regulars. From time to time, I see him hammered at East Village bars, where he comes up to me and yells, "BAKERY GUY!!!!!!!"
Anthony (left) helped out with camera duties and gossiped about Manhunt with me last night.
The pinball machine has finally been fixed and is now open for playing and getting played.
Seated pole dancing, coming soon as a Crunch fitness class.
ACK! Doesn't it look like this guy is totally faceless or can rotate his head 100+ degrees?!?!
That's right, Adam, BEG FOR IT.
I do triple duty as DJ, schmoozer and boozer, though last night I wasn't drinking, which is why things stayed pretty tame.
Do you think he has the hiccups and is trying to drink that upside down? Does that even work?
People always stare at the TV monitors and then ask me if the current film is in sync with the music. Those people also tend to make dumb requests.
Jimmy's best friend Mike (right, with friend) was in town representing Hotlanta for all the freaknics in the hizz-ouse.
French visitors number 4283 for Ludo (left). And no, they allegedly don't do threesomes with anyone, or at least that's what they told Ludo.
Jeff is back in town and will soon be burning hair at a salon near you.
Baby C (right), posing with a wax statue of Adam.
One of James Ryan's many personalities, all of whom he has given midwestern mom names like Connie and Tina.
Angel (right) is traveling the world right now but stopped in for some NYC good times before departing for London. His friend is some famous Telemundo star who didn't like any photos I took of him. Sorry Telemundo guy!
I love the guy on the left. is he 23 or 43?
Jeff and Patches (right) caught up on Jeff's year in Seattle and Patches' year in naps.
Christine and Paul are the loves of my life. We usually hang on Fridays so it was a delight to see them on a Wednesday in color coordinated hoodies. (It was like, 80 degrees last night, FYI.)
Kyle is officially single, ladies and gentlemen. Well, not ladies because he won't date you, but he WILL give you a lap dance, do a split and offer you free psychoanalytic advice.
Kyle and Paul, closing out the bar on another successful Wednesday night.
I am DJing the Cock THIS SUNDAY starting at 11pm. Email me for guest list action. And get ready for Holy Sheet: A Gay Rosh Hashana Celebration, next week at Eastern Bloc. Flyer to follow shortly.
1 comment:
Suggestion box: You really should post pictures from Kabin for a compare/contrast situation.
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