Exhibit A: Daddy/twinkie duo Matt (left) and Adam. Can one be a twinkie and hairy jew at the same time? Deep thoughts.
Suzanne and friend (not pictured) were spilling drinking left and right in preparation for Brazilian dancing down the block.
Jake, Michael and Charlie (from left) on a second take, after Charlie suggested "Let's pose like sorority girls!"
Frank, Frank's friend who's name I didn't catch and Jason, cavorting around to the new M.I.A. in the background, no doubt.
I think that shirt on the right is supposed to make you feel like you're soooooooo drunk that you can't see straight or something. It's working.
Anthony was flying solo last night, looking like a daddy in training except for the fruity cocktail and lack of 50 lbs. or so.
It wasn't their Fire Island time share this week so they decided to slum it in the East Village instead.
By the looks of this picture, Willie (left) is cozying up to a Daddy of his own.
Somebody just farted.
Yes, DJ Jimmy likes to get drunk with otters. Like, real otters, not slender hairy gay men otters, though he like that too.
Andy used to live in West Hollywood but swears that he hates LA, Chelsea and Hells Kitchen. I think he was just trying to win us over.
Cute shirt on a cute boy named Kevin.
Okay, maybe we had a FEW back to schoolers in the house.
"I'm just gonna prop myself up on the DJ booth and watch."
Ohhhhhh, I get. He's studying photography and she does fashion at Parsons or something.
From the ankles up, these two are doing just fine, thanks...
...except for the toilet paper stuck to his shoe! EMBARASSING!
Christophe is like the gay East Village Yetti--everybody swears they've seen him around but no one has his picture or phone number (cuz he doesn't have a phone).
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Naughty girls need love too.
Since I DJ half the night, some friends take photos for this here blog. This one was obviously taken by Matt the Baker, who was practically screaming about this woman's hideous shoes. No comment on the dress.
"...so when I wouldn't let him videotape me, he said put out or get out. Can you imagine?!?!"
A nice young fella named Joe, striking a b-boy stance.
Daddy's gonna do a pole dance!
Daddy-chaser Eric Leven (right) cozied up to our new friend Andy even though Andy doesn't meet Eric's 35-and-older age requirement.
Eric (left) is quickly becoming the mascot of all things cute and fun at Good Times.
JR (right) and Christophe look like they're doing that eskimo nose kiss thing. Is that cheating, since they both have live-in boyfriends?
When did this hotness wash up on the benches of our party and why is he all set to DJ?
No one seemed too too drunk last night. Just that "it's all good" kinda drunk like this guy here.
Wait. Scratch that. Velma was pretty high on life last night or getting a really big kick out of hanging with me in the DJ booth.
Miko is back from Finland, ladies and gentlemen, and ready to model in front of the nearest air conditioner.
Valdez jumped up and gave us all a much-needed late night pole dance. At this point, the battery was running low so I can't really do his moves justice.
Barrage poster boy Kyle popped in for a hot second to steal away Jimmy and look mad at the camera.
If only Jimmy knew what he was going to miss.
While you might be distracted by the hotness that is standing in the foreground of this picture, please make note of that chap in the background, for he wins this week's...
DOUCHE OF THE WEEK! You too can win if you stand next to me in the DJ booth and mess around with the cd players WHILE CDs ARE PLAYING. Not cool.
I think Gant grabbed the camera at this point and did a nice little "fuck you" series. Fuck you pinball machine!
Fuck you ATM machine!
Fuck me Mr. Pole Dancer!
Despite hanging out with the douche of the week, I'm a sucker for this guy or anyone who wears a tank top for that matter.
Richard and the Cock. Happy Labor Day weekend. See you next Wednesday at Eastern Bloc!
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