As Jimmy was wrapping up his opening set, these sistahs waltzed in in search of a happy hour and ended up getting buckwild to Keyshia Cole.
School is back in session, which means the cuteness that is Greg can only grace us after he finishes his homework.
Baby C's fashionista friend Richard (right) popped back into town for fashion week. Apparently glasses without ear prongs are the latest fashion.
Warning: if you make goofy faces for a camera, they might end up on the internet.
David was bullshit that Svedka price went up a dollar. I blamed it on the federal reserve.
I know that the guy is Israeli but I have no recollection of the sorority sister.
The boobs say it all.
No Carlos, we salute you for putting up with Jimmy while he played La Bamba.
These two went home together and debated whether to do it to Arcade Fire or TV on the Radio.
How does Israeli breed such hot, gay men? Is it the mandatory military service?
Beefcake Eric Leven is an official Good Times convert. Read about his exciting times or view many, many more pictures of him over at his blog.
Hi Jesse (left). I'm sorry I didn't get to chat with you last night. Please come back next week so we can discuss your signature plaids and Kentucky. Love, Sparber.
Halloween is five weeks away but the guy in the middle is already breaking out his evil and creepy stares.
I'm such a sucker for guys with hair like Daniel's. It always reminds me of the bad guy from Karate Kid or Andrew McCarthy in Pretty in Pink.
Someone accused me of only admiring boys with beards on this here blog, so let it be known that I find the boy on the left quite handsome. And it looks like he's struggling to even grow stubble.
Mystery solved! Ashton (right) is NOT from the middle east whatsoever. He's........COLOMBIAN.
Ludo (left) tried to make Dan (right) and me accompany him to McDonald's this past weekend.
Eric is back in town and in need of a do-nothing coatcheck-like job now that Mr. Black is dunzo.
Joe Birdsong is in rapture, even when not in his Rapture Cafe.
Did you know that Luc (right) does drag? He told me he only does it like, twice a year, and then said, "but I'll be doing it tomorrow night."
If he wasn't wearing the cap, this outfit would scream jail break.
A party ain't a party till Richie Moo gets naked for the camera.
Ken, Chaz and Jason (from left), pontificating the new M.I.A. album.
Cape Town is like, my second favorite place on earth. After Eastern Bloc Wednesdays.
Eric's friend (left) is someone that I have seen everywhere I go! Like, I'm at the supermarket and he's there. Or on the subway. Or in the video store. Or Bed, Bath & Beyond. Or the movie theatre.
Scot suggested doing an Argento-inspired Halloween theme, but I think we're gonna opt for an Eastern Bloc swim team theme.
He is totally singing the new Britney Spears song into his Corona. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!
Your DJs for the evening, Sparber (left) and Jimmy Immy (right).
Business casual: always a hit with the ladies. Too bad we're in a gay bar.
David (right) and Jimmy used to date. Now they just hug alot.
Chaz and Ken, winkin' and drinkin'.
This guy came prepared for the cool fall weather AND the hotness that is Good Times.
And now, I present to you a series of late night portraits.
(I'm guessing they didn't have school the next day.)
While these pictures were being taken, not one, not two, but three separate friends requested Aaliyah. Note to requesters: multiple requests for the same artist will not make me play it any quicker. Sorry!
This is what I think of when I think of Brooklyn.
New disco balls in the DJ booth!
Thomas is way sexy but told me I should be dancing more in the DJ booth. I was like, please exit now.
Sleepy time for go-go boy Kyle.
Kevin says bye bye! See you next week at Good Times!
Come to Heathers tonight (Friday). I'm DJing with my good friend Cat from Holy Hail. And Heathers is the raddest bar ever. It's on 13th between A & B. I start at 1030pm. Laters.
I love you Sparbie!
guys with beards still get the nod.
–chin chin.
OMG :: Eleven is so damn HOT. I love myself again.
hey does christian has twitter facebook or something?
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