Walker (left) and Billy got the party started with a malibu mixer in honor of the Malibu track I was playing. Someone who works for malibu liquor told me this week that its making up come back (with 16 year old girls).
TELFAR IS UP IN THE PLACE! Telfar (left, with Patrick) rolled through our party now that he no longer has parallel Wednesday night duties. We love us some Telfar! [Ed. note: Slurp co-DJ Michael Magnan, came through too but no one snapped his pic :( ]
Mike V.'s job may or may not be in jeopardy due to the credit crunch, but that's no reason to stay in on a Wednesday.
I was thoroughly convinced that Chris (center) was indeed wearing a harness till I went to grab it and realized it was silkscreened onto his shirt. Foiled again. I promise to play more Thrill Kill Kult next time Christopher!
Poltergeists are already possessing people as our Halloween party (Oct. 29th) is right around the corner.
Live through this Hole night again with me and I swear that, I will die for you.
Boobs and more boobs! Leave it to some dazzle dancers to get the nudity started.
Loving the leather cap-pornstache-tiger hoodie triple whammy on the left.
Speaking of pornstaches, who is this handsomeness under the arm and charm of Mr. Matt Bell?
Teenage whores.
More boobage! Remember when pre-Hollywood Courtney Love used to flash her boobs (and then some) at every concert? And then on David Letterman? (a MUST SEE if you missed it.)
Gary and Kevin, gnawing away in anticipation of my opening DJ slot at Roisin Murphy. I'm nervous too, y'all.
Remember when they shot Paula Abdul's Promise of a New Day video in slim-vision? I assure you that this photo was taken with the same camera as all the other photos.
Is anyone else obsessed with Onch on that horrendously amazing Paris Hilton reality show? I know it has nothing to do with this picture but I can't stop thinking about him.
Total Top Tony (right), looking adorable and delighted that Jimmy has finally eased up on the MGMT tunes.
Chinese new world order fashion realness! Very stock market crash appropriate.
Ry Ry, Danart, Kevin and Anddy (from left), who partied at Twin Cheeks with me this past Monday at the Cock since I played the new Beyonce twice and Cyndi Lauper's I Drove All Night once.
Shane (left) and Steven, hovering near that well-concealed ice machine beside the bathroom.
The beauty that is Jacob is only amplified when standing next to a lady friend.
I smell the start of a mosh pit.
Boys on the radio.
JENNA BOOBAGE! Maybe I should have stated that this post would not be so safe for work. Oh well. Too late. Go easy on the butterfly clamps Marlon.
Alan introduced himself to me once again and then requested something like Kylie Minogue, which I still play with pleasure.
Co-DJ Jimmy and his best bud Matt. Isn't it cute how Jimmy always wears his headphones backwards a la Kris Kross?
Jaime and Joe would NEVER miss a Courtney Love party, even if mayor Michael Bloomberg showed up (Jaime and Joe apparently both hate my good pal Bloomie even since he raised the cap on rent increases).
Earl (left) and friends, getting tingle tangle wit it.
What was Kelvin doing, you ask, instead of snapping photos after 2am? Here is an indicator.
And as Big Scot would say, "Shut up. Get out. Don't hang about. Finish your glasses and move your asses. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. I got plans and you're not incluuuuuud-ed." See you next week!
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