Scarniess #1: Jen M. pole dancing at 10:01pm. I walked in a little late on Jen's Five-Years-At-POZ-Magazine party only to find my former managing editor celebrating the best way she knows how.
Cheryl's gay business school friends came down from Columbia for an education in libation. They are total future sugar daddies, FYI. Just give them 10-15 more years.
My Halloween inspired outfit/costume, known as the Ear.
Hola Pepo! Pepo (right) moved to the U.S. of A. last week from Barcelona has made friends quicker than you can say quesadillas.
A sultry looking David Davis (second from right), who just celebrated a birthday. Remind me to give you your present next time I see you Double D.
A rare trip to Manhattan from Mr. Wesley O., who was kind enough to lend me overalls for my Halloween costume.
Lesbian pole dancing realness! Lucile, Cheryl and Coleen (from left). Coleen isn't actually a lesbian but she's wearing a black leather jacket so let's just say she is.
Speaking of black leather jackets, apparently I'm the only person who doesn't own one. Or a black leather vest. Hannukah wish list much?
Shawty wanna lic-lic-lic-lic-lick me like a lollipop.
I think I told Kelvin to switch it up and get people to more than just pose, hence the tie-biting Casey pictured here on the left.
Terry Richardson lookalike, being tweaked and taunted by an onlooker.
Laughing at the vote-obama's-way song that Jimmy is surely playing at this point in the evening.
Scarf biting is the new pillow biting.
Lovely Leon, my Londoner house guest, who arrived last Wednesday and got lost in this dude's beard instead of sleeping off his jetlag. God bless him.
Shane's hood looked like it escaped from the set of Blow Out.
Ryan won best costume given he was one of five who dressed up for our pre-Halloween party and the other four were dressed in drag.
Human pretzel costume practice.
Other pre-Halloween revelers in Michael Alig inspired garb.
Clarification: even though Leon lives in London, he hails from Australia. Hence the Everything Australia party we're hosting at the next Good Times.
Mark (left) and Christian, undoubtedly bonding over something fashion-related.
I pretty sure Billy begged me not to post this photo of him but I think he looks pretty cute in it and Kelvin didn't get any others so I'm just going to go ahead and post it. Love you Billy!
Andy (left) and his inner soul sister, who took the night off, showed up at Eastern Bloc and gave Andy an external massage. It ain't easy being Andy's inner soul sister.
Scarniness #2: Fritz (right, with friend) practicing his Halloween horror face.
Yet another handsome Spaniard sent by the devil to tempt and tease me as I DJ.
Tommy (right, with friends), whose costume was obviously to dress less homeboyish than usual.
Leather wedgie amazingness.
Adios Pablo! Pablo D. (right, with Francois Sagat-inspired Spanish friend) left the lovely city of New York to pursue his dreams and his love in Spain. We will miss you and your nonstop Britney Spears requests.
Robson (left) and Jeff, on late night ghoul and troll patrol.
Costumes or outfits? You be the judge.
I am liking what I see in the hat.
Jimmy has been traveling practically every day this entire month so don't be surprised if he seems a little out of next time you see him. He needs his sleep too, you know.
Attemped jewish old men costumes gone hipster.
And what would a Good Times be without Michael T. attempting to rape substitute bartender Gabe.
See you next week!
1 comment:
This can't work as a matter of fact, that is exactly what I believe.
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