Black by popular demand, Damian (left) and Anthony dropped by early on to show some boobage and demonstrate why they too will eventually be amazing presidential candidates.
Me, repping my elementary school alma mater. Did you know that I once lived in Melbourne and partied at Q&A and Freakazoid like, every week?
Leon helped me pick out some forgotten Australian hits for the party, including Peter Allen's I Go to Rio.
Jason's bed was burning a la Midnight Oil, forcing him to retire from the party a bit early, though not as early as Ethan and Chaz (not pictured), who could barely stand up by 1030pm.
Kyle popped in, reminding us that he used to go-go dance almost every night of the week. Then he retired to his home to touch himself, Divinyls style (more australians!)
This is thanks we get? Getting paid in puke? Lick it up, baby.
Frank (left) and Ross are total old school Good Timers who've seen me through good songs and bad, though Frank is always up for a little Cut Copy.
Michael (center) just landed a rent-stabilized studio in the East Village. JEALOUS MUCH?! If anyone ever hears of a deal like this ever ever ever, let me know and I will reward you handsomely. Like, free drinks for the rest of your life.
Huggy bears.
Jenna and friend, looking a bit blurry and feeling even blurrier.
Jeroen, singing along to heaps of INXS and contemplating the meaning behind Suicide Blonde.
Mark (center) is also Australian and even created a successful fashion line in Melbourne before moving to America six months ago. I promised him a road trip to Long Island's Witches Brew very very soon to witness some suburban teen goth amazingness.
Jeff (right) was only in attendance for the Minogue sister singalongs. I did not disappoint.
Oh, excuse me Timmy? Are we interrupting your phone call? No, go right ahead and answer it. I am sad Timmy isn't hosting with me at this Saturday's Mr. Black party but there's always December.
Kevin (right) and Simon, bonding over Bondi Beach.
As this Kelvin did his 3, 2, 1 countdown for this pic, Alex's friend totally got distracted by the ferocity that is...
GINO! (left)
Oh how we love us some Chris Miller (left) at Good Times. Next time, remind me to hire him as a go-go so he isn't forced to dance for free late night at the Cock.
Jonathan (right) and friend, getting physical Olivia Newton-John style.
Mark and Jason, a ginger Australian who would love nothing more than to hear Savage Garden on repeat for six hours. Truly madly deeply.
Good Times, uniting beards and igniting sparks.
What are the chances that Chris (center) will tell me he doesn't like this photo of himself?
Thomas (left) and two dudes that are in shock and awe that my Australian collection spans from Frente to Regurgitator.
Excited that next week, we'll be protesting California's Prop 8 ban on gay marriage and after partying at Good Times in celebration of the black president of song, dance and disco, Sylvester.
A cheeky mink wearing a cheeky mink.
Though it was nearly 3am, the party was just starting for Mikey (left) and Casey. Trust.
Yes please. Zach, on the rock, with a side of Campari s'il vous plait.
Here's to Neon Nights and Spinning Around. We love you Australia.
Jimmy, mad that I didn't ask him to cover for me at Twin Cheeks at the Cock (Mondays!) when I went to Berlin this week even though he's been in Japan all week.
Evans and Ned say, "ONE MORE AC/DC TRACK!"
Last but most cetainly not least, Rob (right) celebrated his birthday with us in true Good Times style, maybe even picking up a present or two to take home with him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB! See you next week.
1 comment:
did u say frente?!?!? :)
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