In an effort to blog about something not club or Robyn related, I'm starting a recurring column to talk about things that I'm over. This week's topic is douchebags who ride their bikes on sidewalks. To a lesser extent, I'm also over delivery men who ride their bikes down one-way streets in the wrong direction and nearly hit me when I step out to look for oncoming traffic.
I'm also over red and black plaid.
I hate bikers.
I got nailed by a biker chic while walking out of a restaurant. She knocked me to my ass and then yelled at me for not getting out of her way. We ended up actually coming to blows after she called me a cock sucking faggot. Cops called and everything. I hate her. The end.
sidewalk cyclists suck, but so do joggers who insist on running along very crowded sidewalks. I live in Noe Valley in SF, with a very crowded sidewalk culture along one particular street, and the rest are fairly empty. Why, other than wanting people to think highly of their great legs would anyone choose to run through the crowd instead of the empty sidewalks? Also, some of those folks in power wheelchairs need to slow it down.
Power wheelchairs should totally be my next "im over it." I was actually going to be over segways, but I don't see enough of them to be over them. But I think I am anyway :)
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