Monique came out way early and got to meet Valdez, who she quite admired. I was like, sorry Mony, he's gay, to which Valdez responded, actually I'm bi. Who knew?!
Ken came straight from the airport to party almost as hard as we did last week when we played Guitar Hero 3.
Guitar Hero 3 to Josh: You are a total fag!
David Davis (left) and an admirer. David said everyone was trying to get on him that night. Can you blame them?
Chris Stone (right) is an honorary East Village Gay for the month of December thanks to a sublet situation. Watch for him late night at el Cock.
The cuteness that is Ethan, doing his trademark "I gots ma hair done" move through his hoodie.
Remember when peace signs were all the rage? Can we discuss how my sister used to get the underside of her hair cut short and then got peace signs and smiley faces buzzed into it?!!
Drink tickets are a powerful currency at Eastern Bloc. Ken needed one after a week of family bonding and cow tipping in Columbus, Ohio.
Chris Stone (middle) = hottest nose ever.
Beau just won runner-up for some really prestigious jewelry design award that came with a new car!
This was Jason's (left) last night in New York before moving to LA the following day. Frank (right) and all of us will miss him tons, till he decided to move back to NY in five months tops.
Jason's friends signed and gifted him this horrific clown portrait, which he tried to leave at the bar but we reminded him that it'll be traveling with him, carry-on style.
Ken took a few shoe shots, apparently to remind us that pointy black shoes are still in style.
Patrick sported a shiny black jacket top too. He also bragged to me about his Ace of Base vinyl collection, which admittedly made me a little jealous.
Well hello there! You don't look or anything but you're more than welcome to attend Hannukah Hairy, our gay jewish Hannukah celebration this coming Wednesday.
You too! There's gonna be Manischewitz shots and yarmulkes giveaways and free Boy Butter (it's kosher). Free, free and free! Sounds like a jewish wet dream, I know.
When it comes to lesbian gaydar, I am the worst, though it seems like these two might have had Good Times back home too, even though I played a total lesbo 90s set with Luscious Jackson, PJ Harvey and Hole.
Frank, the biggest lez of all, nearly exploded when the Liz Phair came on, followed by the Breeders.
Scot's Dutch boy is back in the Netherlands, and Scot is back to accosting drunk customers.
A scarf and a tank top. Now there's something you don't see everyday unless you're talking about those dudes who work at the Abercrombie store.
Eric (left) is back from Europe! Which means Steven (right), his nutritionist friend, can give me more free health food advice.
Hair model get together?
Debbie Gibson went to my high school and donated all these fedora hats to our drama department after one of her world tours. If only I had snagged one.
Yuki (left), congratulating Beau on his newfound success.
If you thought the Nanny Diaries was juicy, you need to talk to Chris M. about being a doorman on the Upper East Side.
There's very Diane Arbus about this picture.
More peace signs. Or perhaps Chris (right) and David were just frustrated they hadn't gotten a piece at this point in the evening.
Oh how we love our Good Times regulars.
Ross (left) and David, cuter than puppies in wagons.
Strangely enough, no one requested Gimme More the entire evening, perhaps because I played 10 Salt 'N' Pepa tracks instead.
Ummmm, I definitely did NOT notice that Kevin was wearing a sweatshirt that said Joan Didion '08. Is he spearheading her bid for presidency, because that would be soooo amazin.
Another handsome fella, slightly out of focus in more ways than one.
Where's his hand?
Tonsil hockey team members.
And of course, it reached that time of the night when you either go home or get another red bull.
Quinn (right) opted for home while I traveled onward and upward (well, westward) to the Cock. Speaking of which...
I'll be DJing the Cock's 9th Anniversary Party this Tuesday, December 4, in the basement. Justin Bond (of Kiki & Herb/Shortbus fame) performs upstairs. Revelers are bound to get extra drunk and naughty.

And of course, Wednesday is the big night. HANNUKAH HAIRY! Be there.

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