Andrew, my best friend from Boston who now lives in LA, came to town solely to appear on Twerking. The blog is blowin' up in '08 too, folks.
Cute couple alert! Charlie (right) and his boy toy Michael came out early just to be sure I hadn't given away all my drink tickets.
Suzanne (second from right) is a total party girl, which is why I never really believed that she was married till she brought her husband Matt out (left) for the first time all year.
Earl and his crew of drag queens were all fun and games, doing full-body workouts on the pole, when... eyewitness told me that this queen was hoisted up by another friend and STOLE THE TAXIDERMY GOAT'S HEAD!
My reaction exactly! Who steals taxidermy from bars?!!
You know this army dude flew in straight from Baghdad and didn't feel like changing into his civilian clothes before hitting the bars.
He also didn't waste any time conquering bar partrons. Don't ask, don't tell!
"Who me? I would never steal a goat's head." Lucky for Earl (left), we hear the bar property has since been returned after an all points bulletin was issued. Don't mess.
Ben (left) is on break from becoming a fancy schmancy lawyer, which means he can finally let his hair down and crank up the Queen Latifah. U.N.I.T.WHHHHHHY.
I think I saw Stephen (right) every single night last week, though I didn't catch the Justin Timberlake imposter he was hanging with.
Sam (center), stuck in the middle of s shortie sandwich with Erik (left) and Ben.
Luke (in the orange) was apparently the bar star. I think two or three people came up to me and told me how hot they found him. I was like, you should see his alternate drag persona!
The handsomeness that is Michael (left), sitting in front of what appears to be more hands than people.
How come nobody took a proper picture of that bearded cutie in the background?
HAMISH! Hamish (right, with me) needs get his own reality show or stand-up comedy show in '08.
These two were hanging with me when I played that old Toya jam, "I Do," and they were like, oh my god. Toya's from St. Louis just like us!
Earl, planning his goat's head getaway.
For a non-bearded duo, these two A-OK.
Michael (left) was like, "You have to talk to my girl friend. She's going on that birthright Israel trip you went on," which then led to a 30 minute discussion of hot Israeli soldiers.
It's official. Everyone's drunk.
Nick (center, with Jose on the left) and I attended the same college. He also dated Andrew (right) for a hot minute like, seven years ago.
Barback Sammy (center) turned up with his straight brother (!, right) and his brothers friend, visiting from the ATL.
I always thought that Kevin F. (left) was a jew-ban (jewish cuban) from Miami until he broke the news that he grew up in Connecticut.
Jesse (left) and Michael are mad about plaid.
Love you too Willie!
Silver foxes.
Despite a somewhat blurry picture, bartender will be looking even hotter, younger and more muscular in the year to come.
A sea of men, including a purple clad Gregor.
Stephen and Eric, serving up stripey, checkerboard, hot pink scarves.
Gant (left) likes 'em young. GET IT, GANT!
Gregor and friends, or gay emo rock band?
Joe and Jaime (from left), who told me that this particular Good Times party was the best party EV-ER!
Brian (right), who also flew in from LA just to make it on the blog. You made it Brian!
Oh, did I mention that this party was vaguely Kylie and Dannii Mingoue themed? Because it was. Don't worry. We'll do a more proper Kylie night where I can play Confide in Me 2000 times.
Red plaid is the new black, although black is always kind of the new black.
"We'll take two plaids, on the rocks."
Evans and Devin, my boys from the Cock who I hope start partying at Good Times on a weekly basis.
Peek-a-boob! This must have been Andy's only night off from the Cock all month. What better way to celebrate than with us? HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you on Wednesday.
And don't forget to come get SPANKed this Friday at The Vault (the basement of Element on Houston and Essex, where that Larry Tee Bank party used to be, but in the actual vaults of the bank). I'm DJing 11 - 1230 and its free and open bar. Top that.

ooo in that sea of men pic ... you can see me coming in from the left, heineken graasped firmly in hand, ready for the block.
happy new year, josh!
just like being there!
have a great year,
Hi your website is rocks
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