Mikey, Buddy, Matt and Evans (from left), all showing a little bit of that italian stallion chest action. Okay, Matt was showing a lot of chest action but only because he unbuttons one button every hour. And it was only 10pm.
Isauro (right, with Steve, Eddie and a cutie with a moptop) has broken out of that Cory Koons lookalike phase and transformed into a Mexi muscle hunk.
I feel love (for Giorgio Morodoer). Thank you to the 200 people who emailed me back last week to tell me I left the R off of Giorgio MorodeR in my email. It's called a typo.
Gary (left), Steven (right) and their handsome juke box hero friend. Cuffed, torn-up denim shorts were the way to go this summer, btw. That means LA and Frisco will be dressing like this in two to three years.
Italo DJ sensation Aaron Cobbett! (right), giving us subliminal reminders that he is indeed a Foxy Hole.
I totally saw dude on the left eating Thai food on Avenue A two days after this party and gave him that you-were-at-my-party smile and he gave me back a go-fuck-yourself sneer. Maybe he's taken this whole motorcyclist look to the extreme.
Markus (right) has been hogging his London Terrace pool access all summer and needs to be convinced to throw a Halloween pool party, where all the costumes involve wetsuits and bikini briefs.
Shawn (right), thinking about the fun fun he's having listening to Fun Fun.
Steve (left) also danced the night away at last Friday's Ice Palace underwear party on Fire Island, which I'm also DJing this coming Friday in my skivvies. And Andre (aka Shaquanda Coco Mulatta) is guest hosting my Love Hangover disco dance party this coming Sunday. LOOKOUT WEEKEND!
Pantene ad or another successful Good Times pairing?
Aaron's italo sounds of Fancy and Fake, bringing smiles to those of us born into a post-Divine era.
Cady (left, with Michael and friend), totally raising her hand because she's a Sure woman.
No idea who these strangers were but we're always happy to have more buzzed heads, coifed beards and fitted tank tops at Good Times.
Just don't hit him in the back of the neck while he's making that face.
Gorgeous and gorgeous, from fedora and jacket down to the floral print boots.
Casey, tuning in to Tokyo.
Thank the lords of Bravo for airing the Real Housewives of Atlanta on a Thursday and not a Wednesday. PS - Unlimited drink tickets 4 life to whomever brings Nene to Good Times. I mean, she's already hit up Barracudda.
Ramon (left) and friend, giving us a they're sassiest buffalo stances.
Paul (right) signed going away autographs last Wednesday, as he now resides on a farm up in New Hampshire where he can bathe in the lake and knit for as many hours as he'd like.
She should totally play the teenage Lina when Lina's life story becomes a Lifetime TV movie.
Whispering that if you tell the DJ it's your "friend's birthday," you might have a better chance of hearing your horrid request. Reminder: it is ALWAYS someone's friend's birthday at a bar. Seriously.
United Colors of Benetton, featuring everyone's favorite southern Jewess Michael F. (left).
Eyes Wide Shut, the gay collectors edition. Actually, we should have a sparkles and sequins party. Any takers?
Isauro, Makario, Paul and dude (from right), standing face to face, heart to heart.
Makario (right) actually partied till late into the night since he didn't have to catch a flight the following day until the early afternoon. Actually, let's hope he was sober enough to catch that flight.
Steve W. (right, with Isauro) instantly makes any party 200 times better. That is the power of Steve.
Something about this pic makes me want to go and dig up vintage photos of Scot from yesteryear. Like, before digital photography existed. Anyone have any? Extra points for vintage photos of Irene from the Cock. I'll post 'em here.
If Jimmy had been here, he would have had a field day with the one on the right. He'll be guesting at the next Good Time when we celebrate fat women we love such as Beth Ditto from the Gossip.
I confessed to David that I had thought Rihanna said "cuz I'm a big thug chaser" in the chorus of Live Your Life (I used to think she said big bug chaser), to which he told me she says "cuz I'm a paper chaser." Oops.
The KiKi Twins were the LOOK in their matching blue-sequined tank top ensembles. I live!
Suckin' on his titty like you wanted me callin' me all the time...
If you missed the Summersnaxx party on Fire Island last Saturday (which he's holding the flyer for), then you missed EVERYTHING! Lucky for you the gods that are Rich and Gustavo will be back at their Friday night spot starting in September.
Doin' the outdoor time warp in a scene that looks eerily reminscent of Hells Kitchen.
Kissed by a rose in the grey.
I've been told that sometimes these here caption can get repetitve but I can't help myself from saying: YES PLEASE!
Offically 3am.
And then we get the stragglers, who included our beloved Michael T. (center) and our early 20something crew of Kevin (left) and John (right), lookin' for the after party and the after after party. Where is Stephanie Stone when you need her?!
Once a pole dancer, always a pole dancer.
See you next week for fat girls we love such as Beth Ditto. Dimestore Diamonds for everyone!
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