I got dressed up for the occasion (left) and decorated a yummy Key Food cake for $14.99 while Jimmy scanned the crowd for his own tasty dessert above the age of 21.
Straight-but-not-narrow Thomas (left), who has been teasing us gay boys for two years now.
Sam C. (right) and an admirer, toasting two years of Jimmy sneaking the Arcade Fire's Rebellion into each of his sets without fail.
Two years of non-bearded boys mixing and mingling with the scruffiest and sexiest of the East Village.
Bartender Gabe (left) and his Israeli gym buddy Judah, who is better known as Judy when speaking in hebrew.
HOLY NEW COUPLE ALERT! How did I not know that Andrew (left), the original inspiration for our weekly photo roundups, and Valdez, our original late-night volunteer pole dancer are dating?! Good Times love connection much?
The lovely Mona Mour, who blessed our anniversary party with a special performance of Bow Wow Wow's I Want Candy, though our trusted camera "man" was missing in action at that point.
Speaking of the camera "man," there she is! MERNA BOOTS, Y'ALL!
Merna took lots of photos of, well, Merna, including this gem of her with bartender Benjamin copping a "feel."
We had two special go-go's as an anniversary present to the patrons, including this one who got hard in the DJ booth and was all about me and Merna photographing it.
Apparently our party goers love us almost as much as we love them, since you pretty much couldn't move at lots of moments during the evening.
Kevin (left) and Jacob, on some New Mexico-meets-Dior acid trip. Or maybe it was a sugar high from the Key Food cake. Sooooo yummy.
But don't take my word for it...ask SHAQUANDA COCA MULATTA!
And what party would be complete without the one and only, Miss Stephanie Stone, aka my reason for waking up in the morning (and not going to sleep many nights of the week).
We're trying to coax David to get back into drag one of these days be he seems pretty happy as a dude these days.
Saurin (right, with friend) was loving my Good Times hits mix, which sounds something like M.I.A.'s Roadrunner mixed into anything Diplo or Switch influenced.
Michael (left) was a trooper this particular night, sticking it out from 10pm until 4am and may have found an after party to boot.
I was pretty scared to walk around the bar at this point and pretty much hid in the corner and prayed the upstairs neighbors would stop calling and complaining about the noise.
It wouldn't be Good Times without the hunkiness of Darren, who is also guest DJing with me at the next Love Hangover, our monthly disco party on April 26. And we're also flying to Berlin together at the end of May. Get us DJ gigs!
Jeffrey, cutting a rug to the new NASA remix of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
Ben (left, with two handsome gentlemen) has been a long-time Twerking reader and was humble enough to ask if he could be on it this week before he moves to Australia in like, .2 days.
Miss Fire Island 2007, now known as Miss Good Times 2009 - 2022.
Kevvie and Luke, giving those sultry see-you-in-the-bathroom glances that have become quite popular on Wednesdays.
John told me that even though he swore to high heaven he wouldn't man the grill at Metropolitan's barbecues after last summer, he just might be back in action starting next month.
Tom got all decked out in a spiffy suit for the occasion, which I was loving and secretly coveting all at once. I need a skinny suit and birthday IS right around the corner (May 4).
Gary and Richard, glad that I've finally worked Garbage into my weekly rotation.
The original Good Times posse, from which many wild nights were born, not to mention the fantastic monthly Kingswood party I do with Jacob (bottom left), which his little chihuahua partied at last time.
Two years later, I am really running out of witty captions.
What oh what could this gaggle of boys be staring at?
Could it be Shaquanda caressing the lushious legs of that go-go guy?
Well hello. Just when you think you've seen it all, a few more handsome strangers walk through the door.
James (left) and friends, waiting around for the free pizza party Darren surprised us with at 3am.
Don't be foolled by his sunburn - it's still quite cold and wet in New York. April showers bring May flowers! (pansies.)
After a quick run "home" to change into "more comfortable shoes," Merna came back with a vengenance! Then she disappeared into the night again.
Titty twister Paul M., who is an avid Good Times fan after only two visits. Hooked like nicotine, I say!
I will see you four again when I DJ tea on Fire Island this summer I bet!
Yes and yes. A white tee always works wonders.
Obviously all the hot dudes joined some white tee facebook group and planned this coordinated assault on our party.
Very happy that neither I nor Jimmy played If U Seek Amy, despite 23 requests for it.
Jimmy, offering his go-go friend some calamine lotion for those mosquito bites.
Still patiently waiting for that pizza party to arrive.
Good Times indeed. Looking forward to two more years of this, boys and girls.
Jefferson (right) and Wyatt may have been two of the few that made it till the end, as six boxes of pizaa finally arrived at like, 340am, at which point the camera had long been put away and late night happenings happened. Such as an appeareance by Michael T.!
Though she took a LOT of photos of herself, I really don't get tired of looking at Merna Boots (left) photos, especially when she's pretending to scissor Shaquanda.
Greg (left, with friends) breezed in and out of town on recess from school in London just to celebrate two years with us. Just wait until Good Times goes UK on him.
Peter G. (left), as kissable as ever despite a big fat thumbprint on the lens.
Chris Ryan (left) and Michael, best friends 4 ever and ever and ever and ever.
1 comment:
congratulations boys, girls, manish girls, girly men and all sissies!
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