It only took seconds for Will (left) to find his way to the Jaeger shots and slap on a nifty pair of beer goggles.
Good Times, now doubling as a yoga studio. Just ask Kyle (right).
I will never sing You Don't Bring Me Flowers to David (right, with Jon), who brought me the most beautiful bouquet on our party's two-year anniversary. And speaking of presents, guess whose birthday party is at Eastern Bloc on Wednesday, May 6th? MINE, BITCHES!
Our buddy Buddy (right, with Evans), who lived in Barcelona not so long ago but has officially become an Empire State Human.
DWAYNE WAYNE FLIPGLASSES REALNESS, as sported by the ever-fashionable Frank.
Methinks Sammy Jo (center) has discovered the fountain of youth, which may or may not have something to do with his new pad in Barcelona. Catch us spinning disco brunches at Ono (aka Hotel Gansevoort) starting Memorial Day weekend!
The most unforgettable men in the world wear Good Times.
Chris R. (right) and friends, working that Love Action.
Bonjour Ludovic (left)! Bonjour Jeremie! Tres mignon. Je t'aime. Donnez-moi un eclair, s'il vous plait.
This season, we're seeing lots of the classic white v-neck, which I think might have been the same thing I wore to this very party. Oops.
At some point, the sound system got really fucked up and I couldn't deal so I put on Donna Summer's MacArthur Park for 17 minutes. And the crowd LIVED for it.
Ben (left) and Nick (right) were supposed to move to Sydney but might have missed their flight while out cruising for a third to stow away in the luggage.
Mad clams, kissing up on David I see.
Somebody must have had a dab of hummus lingering on his/her neckline (sorry! he/she looks super gender ambigous! that's trendy these days.)
Contemplating the Lebanon and the reason I keep playing it.
Kevin, Richard and Gary (from left) really are the things that dreams are made of, although Kevin sometimes looks like he's being boiled when he's really just a dark-skinned jewban.
STEPH STONE (aka Charles, right) WILL BE IN EFFECT AT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY! Trust. That is my present and I will live for it.
And then the clock struck two.
Sadly, I'm more excited about that rad ginger mohawk than a pantsless Charlie, which is an everyday sight in the East Village.
Ken (center) has joined my crusade to bring back the Comeback, though Ken would be just as happy if Mickey got his own spin-off.
Michael and Willie, begging the question: Don't You Want Me Baby?
A trio of my favorite DJs everrrrrr, though I am about to bludgeon Michael M. (left) for that Snap cap.
Do NOT put your lips on a stripper pole, especially in these Swine Flu times. Speaking of which, the next Good Times will be a Swine Flu party! Pigs in Zen! Bird Flu (and lots of other MIA)! March of the pigs!
See you next week! xo, Sparber.
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