Jimmy's good friend David (right) came out for the first time in forever. I think he was about to move into the city a little while ago but he's still stuck in dirty Jersey.
Pablo has been quiet on the party front due to some lame hobby he calls his daytime job. Get over it Pablo.
Charlie (left, with David) texted everybody in his phone on super Tuesday and told them to vote or die, P. Diddy style.
Cute couple seated near the DJ booth who could be heard humming along to Foxy's "Gotta Get You Home Tonight," which I played at 1030pm, 1230am and 230am.
TINA FEY SIGHTING (right)! Just kidding. I'd probably die if Tina Fey showed up at Eastern Bloc and started dancing to the Jump Off.
The other Queen Bitch of Good Times, Jimmy, is now in Tahiti swimming with sharks for two weeks and listening to the Violent Femmes on his iPod.
Peter sometimes comes up to me while I'm DJing and tells me that I'm turning his pussy out, which always makes me feel really really uncomfortable.
Magamet (left) celebrated his birthday on Wednesday by letting his hair down (literally. He likes to wear it up a lot) and getting toasted with his friends John (right) and others.
Jimmy had his eye on this tall Norwegian dude on the right but was ultimately cockblocked by his best friend house guest, who had nowhere else to sleep other than Jimmy's floor.
Definitely discussing Lil Kim's underrated second solo album, the Notorious K.I.M., which has that weirdly amazing techno dance song called I'm Human.
Yes, he's double fisting two Cosmos. People get hardcore while listening to Hardcore.
David, Yuki and James (from left), which sounds funny because Yuki's last name is James. Buh dum bum.
Josh (right, with friend) used to be man about town back when I first moved here and I would always reintroduce myself every time we met, which was dumb because a) he knew who I was and b) we have the same name.
There's always one dude wearing a bow tie.
This handsome dude on the right regretted to inform me that this here blog is the reason that one of his friends recently broke up with his boyfriend. Lesson: if you are going to cheat on your boyfriend at Good Times, please let the photographer know ahead of time.
The sweetness that is Adam, whispering to a friend that you can him at the hot spot. I fox.
Once again, Andre (left) was the best dressed fella of the night thanks to his PINK LIL KIM TSHIRT. The Bone (right) could be considered a runner-up in his fancy suit, but its nothing like his aqua jacket of yesteryear.
Todd Murray (right, with Tim) is a friend from way back when who moved to NYC three or four years ago but had never been out at night in the East Village before Wednesday. Actually, I think Tim dragged him out to hear how many times I'd play I Don't Want Dick Tonight.
Todd also has the most lovely lady lumps you have ever seen in your life, as proven by this here photo.
Hobson (left) and Magamet, doing their best impression of mustard and ketchup.
Eric (left) is really just a sister in whiteface, which is why this photo would make sense if you knew him.
Speaking of sisters, this one is giving cunty cross-legged Next Top Model realness.
Valdez hates hates hates when he arrives at Good Times and I'm not behind the decks to play his pop princess requests of Kylie, Britney and Rihanna. Lucky for Valdez, I'll be doing the next two Wednesdays alone till Jimmy returns.
Yet another Josh (right, with friend), who was in town for fashion week just in case you couldn't tell by his lovely blue spectacles.
Magamet is half Russian, half Turkish and 100 percent buxom.
He and Hobson (right) really hit it off and ended up making out that night. Watch for them next week, when they'll be dressed in complimentary peanut butter and jelly colors.
This is what Eastern Bloc looks like to me after ONE drink poured by bartender Darren.
Evans (left) and Davy. Or at least I think his name is Davy. Don't get mad at my Davy if I'm getting your name wrong, okay?
Mikey, Jimmy's BFF from Atlanta who I just found out now owns the legendary ATL gay bar, Mary's, which I visited with an ex-BF back in 2000. Small world.
Scotty (left) and Brian are the best bouncers ever. They never get to pose together either because one is most likely sleeping while the other is working.
CHARLES! Charles wouldn't let me most a real picture of her gorgeous punim but trust - she is my reason for living. She is also SWV's biggest fan ever.
John (left) had quite a bit to drink and ended up getting frisky with E.Leven (right). He also pawed at Eric's chest hair a little too hard and ripped some of his sacred fur out.
Yes, it's hard to get to the DJ booth when there's a swarm standing outside of it, but what a pretty swarm it is.
Kevin, Eric and Todd (from right), playing catch up on who lived where in San Francisco 10 years ago.
Happy that he won't have to be holding it in any longer once one of the the goddamn bathrooms
becomes vacant.
Toward the end of the night (read: 330am), Kevin (upper left) was charged with taking photos but ended up in a series of photo booth-like photos initiated by the John Mayer lookalike on the upper left.
Join us next Wednesday, February 13th for a Valentine's Day swingin' singles shindig. And I'm gonna play Heart so you'll be sure to find a Magic Man of your own.
Ketchup and Mustard! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! HILAR! Where do you find 'em, Josh? Where do you find 'em?
Please tell me you played "Kitty Box." Please.
Duh. I'm in heat like a cat.
So, I don't really believe it may have success.
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