Christine and James shared a moment and a few beers.
Patches and Christian's crew represented on behalf of the button-down set.
You want beards? We got beards. Both literal and figurative beards for your pleasure.
Nothing says good times more than horn-rimmed glasses and neon silkscreened tshirts.
Marc (and friend) in signature white v-neck tee.
Joe and Tomek are all smiles because Friday is Joe's birthday and Saturday is Cinco de Mayo!
Rich and crew were feeling Jimmy's power pop set. Especially the Avril Lavigne.
Patches and Jamie were thinking of having a pole dancing competition but opted for more shots instead.
Not sure if these guys were tourists but they were so happy with my picture taking skills that they asked me to send them this photo. Thanks for coming, guys!
I forgot these guys' names but they have great taste in music and made obscure electro requests like Solvent and Miss Kittin. (Okay, Miss Kittin is hardly obscure but Jimmy didn't havve it.)
Mark showed up! We toured India together and still get down to the best bhangra has to offer.
Your party host Jimmy (right) making a signature Jimmy face.
Ira turned it out. Nothing more needs to be said.
Chris, fresh off the plane from St. John. As in, he showed up with his suitcase and left it outside the DJ booth.
Drink up boys. The night is young.
Darren got even more Freddy Mercury this week. His birthday is this Saturday. Happy birthday Darren!
Cesar and friend had just seen Bjork perform earlier in the evening and were HELLA stoked about life in general.
We are concentrating on the talking zebra head above the bar. Please do not disturb us.
My favorite patrons ever! I know this guy has good times at Good Times because he's always there partying up a strom.
Rico's friend looks like he could secretly be Swedish.
Christine and Paul are engaged! Congratulations you guys.
Matt and JR, fresh off the plane from Costa Rica yet still looking very very anglo.
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