Blonde bombshells Harriet (left) and Stephanie Stone hosted the festivities, which were also fuelled by a two-drink minimum at Gotham Comedy Club earlier in the evening as you can tell by their grins.
Me and William, who didn't even need to nudge to play Akinyele's Put It In Your Mouth this week.
Back area Harriet Halloway photo booth!, featuring Harriet's lead writer for comic material, Mikey.
I love how her arm gets lost/eaten by Harriet's ginormous bag.
Erika (right) is on the rise with her tantalizing new video My Pumps and an upcoming performance or two at our Bad Girls, Angry Girls Good Times with Jon Jon Fields on December 9th. I'm lobbying for Cornflake Girl and Sheela-Na-Gig.
Hoping I will play the blondest of the blonde, Ms. Paris Hilton, which I failed to do but only because I got stuck in a hip hop moment and I can't get out.
Some say strawberry blonde but I say GINGERRRRRR!!!!!
Ryan, Steph and Keisha (from right), giving you hoodoo voodoo turban realness.
It simply would not be any sort of blonde ambition without the Blondes! Blonde ringmaster Roger (center), flanked by David Blonde (left) and Philippe Blonde (right).
I'm sure they biked down just to hear me play some Lykke Li and Ace of Base. Actually, I bet their friends of Lykke Li's. Remember when she came to our Good Times party?
Open vodka bar at 11pm has obviously kicked in.
Talk about a head rest!
There was a small but significant blonde-to-hip-hop crossover in the form of Lil Kim, which always turns the party out.
Joshua (left) introduced himself to me at Spiritus Pizzeria in Provincetown this past summer. We're hoping he comes back next week as Ptown's Mark Louque of Fagbash fame (and this youtube video) brings his electro, italo and disco sounds to a very special Fagbash Good Times.
Daniel and Chris (right) are officially an item! And I was officially mistaken for DJ Drew G. (left) at a gig on Friday when some chick kept coming up to my booth and saying, DREW! DREW!
Stephen (left) and friend, wondering if my co-DJ Jimmy is going to play Katy Perry's Waking Up in Vegas (answer: he did).
Evidence #1: Blonde having more fun than the non-blondes in this picture .
Evidence #2: Blonde having more fun than the non-blondes in this picture.
Matt (left), cuddling up to his newfound friend Raoul who might just be able to get Matt a mega-discount on a pair of men's Christian Louboutins.
Buddy (left) and a bearded, buxom and bronzed Andre, who is truly a blonde at heart. And by blonde we mean ditz.
Where did Tekshur discover these two and how come I wasn't introduced?!
DJ Jimmy (right) imported the hot Spaniard hugging him and left him in the watchful care of David D. (second from left).
Xander, giving you the look.
Dancing to Julie Brown's Cause I'm a Blonde (yeah! yeah! yeah).
Tai (left) and I passed on last Tuesday's House of Xtravaganza bawwwwwl at the Box and will be forming our own House of Sparber-Alfonso bawwwwwwwl in the coming weeks.
Gentlemen do not always prefer blondes, apparently.
Thank you for the laughs, Ms. Halloway. Your show was wünderfül and your joke about the circus was everything.
They're STILL laughing about Harriet's show. It was that good!
And then this happened.
Jon Jon Fields and friend, giving you gutter graffiti New York 'tude.
Pumping fists.
Hello to you too Andy and Jon Jon.
Photo direction by Kelvin (right), who doesn't mean to give you a hard time people. That's just the way he is.
The most surefire way to catch swine flu is to lick an Eastern Bloc barstool. Hookers.
"Did you just call last call at 345am?" Sorry ladies but there's only so much blondeness we can handle.
See you next week for Fagbash Good Times with Mark Louque! xo.
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