Jimmy (left, with former go-go "it" boy Matt) spent a chunk of the night confessing to mutual friends how much better his set was than mine and how everyone was there to see him. Reality TV trash talk at its finest!
Confessing that his ear tastes like banana creme pie.
Open up and say ahhhhhhhh wanna hear Obsessed one more time.
Obsessed with posing like never-created Rodin sculptures.
Oh, and speaking of Mariah, Mao (center, with Ray and Mikey) allegedly came to Eastern Bloc from Mariah's apt., where he was hanging earlier. Sweet sweet fantasy much?
Jimmy's show actually rated in the 98th percentile for it's intended viewership, which was mostly cat ladies and trannies like Shaquanda (left).
Giving us a 2 Live Crew moment.
Greg, Christian, Darren and Anthony (from left), fighting for a taste of the prosciutto-flavored sweat pouring from Anthony's head. It's a Staten Island thing.
James (left), contemplating a bisexual identity.
James, acting out a bisexual fantasy.
Back on the chin gang.
In all its uncropped glory, this photo of Michael T. and friends somehow resembles a lost United Colors of Benetton ad.
Julian (left, with Mike) is visiting from Venezuela for a few weeks and fitting in just fine with that 'stache and those glasses.
Last night I witnessed the museum that is Scotty Ewalt's apartment (right) and my life will never be the same. If you ever wondered where all the XXX Times Square marquees went, look no further.
Buddy, Andre and Sam (from right), waiting to exhale in the midsummer humidity of New York City.
LT (left) and Andrew, doing a little shimmy shimmy ya to the tune of Chelley's Took the Night.
Yes to the cutie in the front with the Tom Ford tee on!
This is so the girl who loves to tell the DJ that it's her friend's birthday so I'm required to play the entire Lady Gaga album, like, right now.
K.I.S.S.I.N.G., Siedah Garrett style.
Do you think he has a cast to match all of his outfits or is he just wearing a leg warmer on his forearm? Either way, he is working that look.
Jaw-dropping reactions all around to Confessions of a Travel Writer, which Jimmy played on repeat on the smaller TV.
CONFESSION: If it weren't for Michael (center), I wouldn't know so many of my lovely EV neighbors such as Kevin (left) and Rob, who I met in the final days of Wonderbar many moons ago.
Your barmaids for the evening Darren (left) and Matt, who is quickly becoming the poster child for the curly-haired mom-hawk.
John (center, with Charlie and friend) turned out the dancefloor last Friday when I DJed Daniel Nardicio's Snow Ball at Fire Island's Ice Palace. She's got legs and she knows how to use 'em!
Buddy and Evans, back from Spain and making do with the fact that not everyone is a major hunkazoid like they are in Spain.
These two probably failed to confess that they're barely of drinking age.
And if you think this is packed, wait until Michael Magnan gives you his obsessive Deee-Lite set when he guests next Wednesday. It's gonna be psychic powah!
Steven, Michael and Kevin (from left), who may or may not have after-partied till sunrise at the Standard hotel this very night.
CONFESSION: I'm torn between staring at his washboard abs and Sloth-like facial expression.
A note about summer lovin' - I do not have any songs from the Grease soundtrack in my DJ repertoire. Sorry!
Yes to scarves purple tank tops, scarves on waists and girl-on-girl action!
I love how Casey snuck into this one on the left and is so excited about it.
If my calculations are correct, Marlon's leg cast should be off as of this week and he can resume life as a semi-normal mess. Also: guy on right is so the only one who followed Kelvin's pose instructions, whatever those may have been.
Jimmy really pulled out the stops in promoting his show across all demographics, including the handsome young gays of color contingent, who naturally make any party 10,000 times better.
I swear there were more than just my close friends at the party but Kelvin loves to photographically neglect visitors from Israeli and anyone else he doesn't deem sponge-worthy.
I can't even remember what went on after 3am but I'm guessing something to effect of La Roux (me) meets CSS (Jimmy).
And let's not forget about our lovely new larger-than-life Divine installation piece. "My first wanted poster and I look just awful!"
Holy D-cups!
Holy D-cups part two!
I think this may have been a record make-out week, though we'll be aiming to break that record at each and every upcoming Good Times.
Jason (right) and yours truly, giving you untamed eyebrow action in a mesh Jordache tank top. Get into it.
Mao and a pretty young thing, doing a last dance to Donna's Last Dance.
Strapped in and ready for the after party.
Kevin and Rob don't live in the EV no more, they jus' visitin'! They be Chelsea Beef.
Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
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