Bienvenue a New York! Olivier (right) and a fellow Belgian ami dropped by Eastern Bloc at, er, 8pm even though we don't get going till 10. Early bird catches the worm, and by worm I mean the bigger hangover the next morning.
Actually, at 10:01pm when I arrived (because I'm prompt like that), there was a nice sized crowd of handsome young men like these three sucking down Mango Absoluts or whatever the kids are drinking these days.
Reach out and touch somebody...'s crotch.
Getting into his friend's b-cups. PS - I PROMISE to bring Pia Zadora and Jermaine Jackson's When The Rain Begins to Fall this week (the extended version!), since Sean (center) and another dude requested it last week.
Between the luminescent hat and the extended wrist band/half sleeve thing on his forearm, I'd pretty much say he's the chosen one. He was wearing a rosary too.
Eric (right) and Geoff, looking for Jus 1 Kiss, to make it better.
Roger (left) and his man Victor, getting ready to jump and shout.
Do you think bought twice as many drinks on the right because he's twice as tall his counterpart?
Total top Tony (second from left) loves having his picture taken for this here blog because then people go home and google "Total Top Tony" and come up with all these late night drunken pictures of him.
A gaggle of gays going gaga for Get Me Off (the peaches remix. OMG - Peaches is in town. If you're in touch with her, tell her to come by tonight.)
Yours truly on the left (with Charles and Mikey), giving you intentional peek-a-boob. And no, that's not how I cut the shirt. It was actually marketed and sold that way, obviously for that homoerotic basketball court distraction.
Steven (left) and Gary, waiting for someone to sing Take Me Back To Your House to them.
Tastes like coconut.
Boys of summer, Don Henley style (yes, guilty pleasure party was last week but I live for that song.)
The most adorable chin dimple on this side of the Atlantic known as Devin (left), who is giving you wigs and wiener realness with Good Times July 8. Start prepping those weaves.
Rob (left) in a navy blue tee, wondering when the Raindrops will let up.
Kevin (center, with Gary, Steven and Mark in the rear), who slowly morphed into a permed 1980s mom in a button-down blouse as the evening wore on.
It's been a minute since I've seen Christian (right), who has apparently found the only sunny spot in all of Manhattan and used to his advantage.
The kids love a night of Good Times. Show your love by voting for me (again) for an HX Award. A vote for Sparber is a vote for Good Times.
Tommy (right) ain't havin' any of this new Gossip album biz-nass, though I'm happening to dig it.
It always helps to throw off the other people your posing--as Wyatt obviously did here--to make yourself like better. Peace necklaces can help too.
Her hat is slowly climbing down backwards off the top of her head and making a mad dash for the beer tap.
The definition of a Basement Jaxx Romeo.
Santi says: tastes like fish.
Doesn't Douggie (right) have a slight resemblance to the lead in that snazzy new NBC show Glee?
As much as we'd love to use Wyatt, he's apparently moving back to Seattle to concentrate on his art. Maybe he'll let us use his oversized blazers while he's gone.
Evans (right) and friend, counting the minutes till I play Where's Your Head At for the second and third times.
Yes, Matt the Baker (right) has returned to us on Wednesday nights but even more importantly: CHARLES (aka bunzie) HAS HIS BUN DOWN!
Simon (right), back from France, confirming that '80s mom perms are actually all the rage in Europe this season. Who knew?!
Willie has the most impeccable music tastes ever, mostly because he loves Deee Lite and the Basement Jaxx just like me. Bingo Bango withe me Willie!
Bartender Darren (left) FINALLY returned from Berlin, where we're encouraging him to buy a bar so we can do a monthly New York night there. Do it Darren!
Looking at this picture kind of makes me 3am cross-eyed for some reason.
And this pic just confirms that it is indeed already 3am.
Cardigan or cape?
These two really hit it off talking about how to polish black leather, among other things.
As the Basement Jaxx once sang, Do. Your. Thang.
Yianni (left) was still at the bar when we all peaced out, though we're hoping he'll be back next week to do Diplo night with us. See you next week!
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