Jeff is a closet Britney fan. He allegedly moved west for a year to "figure things out," but sources say he was planning a Chris Crocker-like ambush before Chris Crocker came along. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!
Ted, friend and Jake (from left) couldn't help but sing along to all the new Britney gems, such as Piece of Me, which I played, like, five times.
Yarng (right) is well on his way to becoming THE nightlife "it" boy, complete with a one-word, one-syllable name. The R is silent.
Sammy! You look so handsome with short hair! Please don't grow out that mane again. Ever.
Wilson (right) didn't come say hi to me in the DJ booth, but I'm not gonna hold that against him. He was probably too distracted by the amazingness that is Toy Soldiers, which I played like, three times.
Kevin had just done a photo shoot for the Advocate before embarking upon Good Times which I had helped set up, so he came by and gave me a thank you kiss.
Frank nearly exploded when I dropped a Liz Phair track into my set. Gets 'em every time.
Eric (right) is hosting a Cockette at his apartment this week and then flying off to Europe for the rest of November, leaving his Friday night coat check job at Plan B to me. Come say hey!
At least we'll still have Eric's Japanese coworker (right), who is quickly becoming Eastern Bloc's "it" girl.
Happy birthday Gary! I will play Everything But the Girl for you any time you ask, baby.
These two look like they could be visiting from LA.
I am still up in the air about what kind of camera I will buy. This week, I borrowed my friend Matt's Powershot 750, which apparently has a really strong flash by the looks of the guy on the left.
This guy told me he's been admiring me for a long time. I was like, ummmm, okay. Then he requested obscure George Michael b-sides.
The sweetness that is Valdez (right) brought one of his hairless friends out who apparently used to dance for Johnny McGovern. Valdez's favorite new Britney song is Radar. He pole danced to it twice.
This week, the weather in New York dropped dramatically and everyone turned back the clocks, which basically means its dark and cold and time to start layering up and wearing scarves...
...unless you are die-hard about the deep V, in which case you just might freeze for fashion.
EVA was out and about promoting his Annual Pumpkin Pageant, which I missed due to my Saturday DJ duties at a straight bar.
Speaking of straights, Jared (above) and some other Nylon Mag staffers invaded Good Times and sparked up a dance party.
As in, a head-to-head dance off. Literally.
Tag team pole action can get dangerous.
Doesn't it look like he's trying to make out with her but she's covering her mouth because she's about to vom?
Stoph works like, every night of the week, which is why I was suprised when this pic turned up on my roll. Like, he materialized and disappeared at the drop of a Jaeger shot.
Well hello there! Is the DJ allowed to make requests too?
"Hang in there! Britney's Eurhythmics remake isn't THAT terrible."
A panoply of gays. I'm feeling the guy in the red hoodie.
So the verdict is in and the new Britney is a hit on all accounts. Move over Rihanna and Justin because I think Ms. Spears has taken your top 40 throne and will be sitting pretty on dance floors through the end of the summer.
What evening would be complete without a cute British bow-tied boy named Chris in the DJ booth playing Blondie at 3am?
You look HUGE next to that Kevin boy. Is he tiny or are you really that gargantuanly sized? :D
IM GARGANTUAN! No. He is leaning back and nearly kissing my ear.
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