Since the NYC subways were totally screwed up, Christine (above) and I were way late by the time we got on the AirTrain. At the American Airlines terminal, the manager graciously printed out boarding passes (we had 20 minutes till takeoff) and was like, "You betta run to the gate. It's a mile away!" And it was.
Two airplanes and a taxi ride later, we made friends at the St. Thomas ferry port with Rikiyah. Christine was like, "let's kidnap him!"
On St. John, we met up with Baby C, his cousin Lauren (left) and his friend Fiona (not pictured). Downtown St. John has weird Italian-inspired piazzas where sunscreen costs $10 a bottle.
Beach #1: Honeymoon Bay. This is the view looking left from the place we set up camp.
Total postcard! The water was warm and crystal clear so we spent most of the swimming. At one point, Chris was like STINGRAY! and we all saw this huge stingray swim by. All except for Christine, who wasn't wearing her glasses.
Looking right on Honeymoon Bay, with no honeymooners in sight.
Two-thirds of St. John is a national park, meaning its gecko central. There are also iguanas all over the island and lots of mosquitos.
That night, we had a fancy dinner at a downtown restaurant with a gay couple who sold Baby C's (right) brother the house. I was like, "What's gay life like here on the island?" and they were like, "ummm, there's four 4 gay couples here. Don't move here if you're single and gay."
Beach #2: Cinnamon Bay. Baby C brought ipod speakers so we could crank the dancehall. You could also hear it all along the beach and in the ocean as well.
Looking straight out at Cinnamon Bay. There's Christine again, bathing away.
If you turned to the right, you could see lots of mountains in the distance, which is probably why this is one of the more popular beaches. That and kayak rentals.
That night, we picked up expensive groceries at the island supermarket (Sabra hummus = $9) and prepared a fancy feast. Baby C wined (Caribbean dance move) while making his pasta salad.
Christine was in charge of the grill. Check out that steak!
Fiona (in the red) was pretty much in hiding after her second beach day, since she's Irish and burns really easily. Doesn't dinner look so adult with the champagne and all?
After dinner, we played marathon Uno games. I was the only person who never won, which is why I look all pissed off here.
Fiona (right), on the other hand, won three games in a row. Luck of the irish, I say.
We spent the third day soaking in the pool, which over looks a lagoon, a mountain and the ocean.
Sunset on St. John.
We took these pick-up truck taxis all over the island, including back to the ferry on our final day. Christine was sad to leave but her skin was like, THANK GOD! I AM TOTALLY BURNNNNNNT.
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Gelosia totale!
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