Thursday, July 12, 2007


Me and the boys headed up to New Hampshire and Montreal last week to get in touch with our American heritage and Canadian neighbors. We did lots of American things.

Go Karts!

Marshmallow roast!

Water slides!

Champagne in the hot tub!

And lots of fried food!

We also went to a drive-in and played skeeball, but we didn't measure up to these two who were playing JUNIOR skeeball (for the tickets, of course) while wearing a bluetooth cell phone ear piece. The dude clenching his tickets screamed "I won! You owe me your tickets!" at one point.

All-american family making a pit stop at the Dairy Queen parking lot.

All-American fashion on the sidewalks of Laconia, New Hampshire.

And bear-on-bear love in the streets of Montreal. Happy Independence Day!

1 comment:

diana said...

aww, A New York hipster does July 4th (in pictures)