Michael and Cameron made a rare weeknight appearance.
Keisha and friend were begging for "black 39-year-old mom" music but I mostly stuck to...god, I don't even remember what I played. Sorry for posting these a few days late.
World traveling duo Craig and Celeste brought me chocolates from Argentina, a sure fire way to get me to play any song your heart desires.
The elusive Andrew Belonsky showed a little nipple action.
Marc got in on the nipple action too with Andrew, who had just flown back from Ohio and had the tee to prove it. Or something.
Tim insists that if you make a retarded-looking face like the one he's making here, you won't show any wrinkles on cam. And it kind of works!
David and Frank (right) brought out this Romanian dude named Vlad (left). Then they got him really drunk and stoned and left him at the bar. Vlad was last seen shaking his tail feather to co-DJ Jimmy Immy's Motown hits.
Smoking in bars is like, so four years ago.
The Strokes stopped by for a beer this week too...kidding! We love punks. Even the gay ones.
Everyone got off their ass this week and did a tribal summer-is-coming dance, complete with unbuttoned shirts and ritualistic hand gestures.
The original gay punk, Big Scot, patrolled the bar to make sure tomfoolery was kept to a minimum.
Hi Craig (on the right)! I know you just love using these photos for your myspace page so go ahead and grab this one as soon as you can.
Shorty swing my way! (Did I write that caption last week? It's all I can think about when cute pocket gays hang out at the bar.)
Rich and his best friend upped the tomfoolery factor by two, but only because Rich is moving to Brooklyn this week and will probably spend lots more time on Manhunt Brooklyn instead of Manhattan now.
Billy (right) and posse were totally digging on our Good Times party even though we didn't play any of Billy's preferred classical music selections. Next week, I promise.
Chris and Kevin kept their shirts on this week. Boooooooo. What's THAT all about?
If a boy pole dances in a bar and no see its, does it make an impression? HELL YES cuz now it's on the internet. Holla!
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